
August Fitness Challenge: Stronger Arms And Legs Edition

By Elise Rivera

July 31, 2017

Summer’s not even close to being over, which means you’ve still got lots of time to get fit and tone up.

Okay, so maybe you dropped the ball in June and July. But don’t worry. Make August the month that you turn things around.

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Complete this fitness challenge for 31 days, and you’ll be amazed at how much strength and definition you’ll achieve.

August Fitness Challenge: How To Do It

For this challenge, there’s something scheduled for each day in the month, including rest days. Below, you will see sections that show what the assignments are for each day.

For example, the first section has an arms workout that is to be completed on August 1, 9, 17 and 25. Each  circuit is designed to be done in-between two and four sets, depending on your level of fitness. If you’re a beginner, stick to two, but for intermediate or advanced exercisers, try going for three for four sets.

For each day’s assignment, you will see the listed exercises, as well as a section that specifies how many repetitions to do for beginner, intermediate or advanced fitness levels.

By the end of August, you will have completed each of the assigned workouts four times. For optimal results, increase the number of repetitions and/or the number of sets the next time you complete an assignment that you have previously done (especially if you’re starting out at the beginner level). You could do two sets on August 1, three sets on August 9, 4 sets on August 17, and 5 sets on August 25, for instance. Listen to your body and do what feels challenging.

Things To Keep In Mind