
What Are The Benefits Of TRX Training?

By George Ponting

December 06, 2016

It may have initially been developed for the military, but you don’t have to be a Navy SEAL to benefit from TRX training. The concept behind this form of exercise is fairly simple – you suspend your body from a pair of cables on your hands or feet, using your own bodyweight and gravity as resistance to build up strength. How you position your body on the cables affects the muscle groups you target, as well as the intensity of the workout.

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But is TRX training right for you? Randy Hetrick, current CEO and founder of TRX, outlines some of the benefits of TRX training.

It Works For Everyone

One of the biggest benefits of TRX is that it’s versatile in its scope, appealing to many different kinds of gym goers, all of whom may have different goals. According to Randy, people who are generally inclined towards yoga or Pilates tend to enjoy TRX due to some similarities within the bodily movements (think bodyweight moves and smooth transitions). At the same time, however, TRX also appeals to endurance athletes who want to add a strength training component to their fitness routines. Others simply find hanging around on suspension cables as a pretty fun way to get a workout it. No matter your fitness level, the TRX can work for everyone: athletes, new moms, bodybuilders, men and women, and the young and old.

Also Read: 12 Effective TRX Exercises For A Full-Body Workout

The Intensity Is Up To You

TRX isn’t just for hardcore fitness fanatics – anyone can try their hand at TRX regardless of fitness levels. The wide range of motions makes it very easy to find exercises that suit your own level of difficulty, and build up as your muscular endurance increases. Complete novices can work out in the same class as seasoned exercisers, and still get what’s right for them with a few simple adjustments.

It’s Never A Dull Moment

TRX uses only two suspension straps, but there are infinite ways to use them. Lunges, planks, upper-body resistance exercise — you can do it all with TRX and much more. (Even swinging on the straps for fun works out your arms — not that we’ve tried that, mind you.) The icing on the cake? You can change your workout to suit your mood on any particular day, so that both your mind and body remains challenged every time.

This versatility is precisely why trainer Mike Jones says he put his client actress, Jaime Pressly, on a TRX workout. The actress, who is a TRX convert, once claimed to get bored easily and did not manage to stick to any particular fitness routine for more than two weeks at a stretch before beginning her TRX program.

You’ll Work Your Whole Body

TRX stands for “total-body resistance exercise,” because that’s exactly what it does: It works your entire body. As opposed to clunky gym machines that target very specific muscles, Most TRX exercises work multiple muscles at once, especially your core. If you want six-pack abs without having to do a single sit-up, you may want to consider TRX training.

You’ll Get Your Cardio In, Too

With TRX, you aren’t just working out your muscles – TRX works out different parts of your body while getting your heart pumping at the same time. According to Randy, most of the exercises on the suspension cables involve so many muscles that your body’s requirement for oxygen is increased tremendously. This gets your heart and lungs pumping overtime to deliver this oxygen to the muscles, making it a win-win for those who want to get a good cardio workout in the bargain.

You’ll Have Shorter Workouts

The unique combination of resistance training, muscular balance, mobility, core strength, and cardio means that you’re getting more done in less time. This means that you can get in an incredibly effective, full-body workout in less time. And who doesn’t want that?

A final word of advice, though: despite the numerous benefits of TRX, it is not generally advisable to start it off without the guidance of a professional trainer. Learn the proper techniques for the routines and familiarize yourself with safety precautions before you attempt it on your own. And don’t forget to consult your physician or other health care practitioner before any changes in your fitness programs.