
Hate Burpees? 5 Full-Body Exercises To Try Instead

By Kelly Turner

April 20, 2017

Ah, burpees. This infamous, all-in-one exercise is a full-body strength-training and cardio killer. A burpee, in case you didn’t know, begins with in a squat position, with both hands on the floor in front of you. Next, you hop your feet back into push-up position (you can even perform a push-up here, if you’re a burpee superhero), and immediately return your feet to the squat position. Explode through the legs,and reach your arms up as you jump up in the air, landing lightly on your feet to immediately lower down again into a squat and repeat. Voila! And that’s just one burpee.

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They’re a wildly effective and exhausting exercise, but doing endless burpees can get mind-numbing. For those who absolutely despise burpees, try to mix it up with these alternatives, which hit all the same areas of fitness and don’t skimp out on the intensity.

Work them into your everyday routine, in place of burpees, or use them all, doing three sets of 20 reps of each, for a fat-blasting workout you can do in mere minutes.

1. Kettlebell Swings

2. Push-Up To Box Jump

3. Medicine Ball Slams

4. Jump Lunges

5. Mountain Climbers To Squat Jump