
10 Crunch-Free Core Strengthening Exercises

By Stacy Zimmerman

October 06, 2016

When we think of working our abs, we often imagine lying down on the floor, performing crunch after crunch after crunch.

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However, traditional crunches are not necessarily the best way to get that toned, trim mid-section you’ve always wanted. Here, we show you how 10 crunch-free exercises to tone your tummy.

1. Planks

Planks strengthen your upper and lower abs, lower back and glutes.

2. Twisting Plank

This variation intensifies a traditional plank.

3. V-Sit And Twist

4. V Ups

This is one of the best core exercises for your lower obliques.

5. Donkey Kicks

6. Windshield Wipers

7. Oblique Knee Crunch

8. Scale Pose

We borrowed this core muscle exercise from the yogis.

9. V-Hold

10. Superman Swims

There’s a lot more to building core strength than mere crunches. Make your core workout significantly more effective and efficient with these 10 core shredding, crunch-free moves. Aim to work your core three to four times per week with a rest day in between for optimal results.