
5-Minute Dynamic Warm-Up You Can Use For Any Workout

By Maggie Young

May 01, 2017

Warm-ups are one of the most important aspects of any exercise regimen — despite the fact that they’re often neglected. A good warm up only takes five to 10 minutes, yet they’re essential for helping you st hey prime your muscles for the work that’s about to come; without them, your body is susceptible to injury.

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For any warm up, be sure to gently use the muscles you are planning to work during your session. That means if it’s upper-body day, don’t just go for a short run; you’ll want to also perform some upper-body warm-up moves, such as arm circles.

Below, we’ve come up with a dynamic warm up routine that can be completed in five minutes and will get you ready for any workout to come.

The Warm Up

These moves are super simple, but they’ll get your heart rate up and ensure you get an adequate warm-up before you perform any strength or cardio routine. These moves are easy to do at a gym, outside, or even at home. Remember, it’s important to be gentle during your warm-ups. This isn’t the time to push yourself, so just get the blood moving and the muscles warm.

High Knees

This movement raises the heart rate and stretches out the leg and butt muscles. Do this for 30 seconds before moving on to butt kicks.

Butt Kicks

A warm-up isn’t complete without some classic butt kicks.


This move works to open up the chest, shoulder, and arm muscles so you are ready to tackle any upper-body exercises.

Bodyweight Squats

Squats are the ultimate full-body exercise, so they are important to include in any warm-up.

Arm Circles

Arm circles are simple, yet effective.

You can increase the size of the arm circles or reverse the direction of the circles to stretch out different parts of the shoulder muscle. Do this for a minute.

Lunges In Place

This move stretches out the legs and specifically warms up the inner thigh and hip flexor muscles.