
Combine Cardio And Strength Training With These Kettlebell Moves

By Kelly Turner

December 01, 2016

What do you get when you combine the weight and momentum of kettlebells with functional, cardio movements? A full-body, fat-scorching workout, that’s what.

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Kettlebells add resistance and allow you to perform compound, weight-training movements that you otherwise you couldn’t do. The weight of a kettlebell isn’t evenly distributed, so your stabilizer muscles have to work harder to perform each exercise. That’s why kettlebells are excellent for resistance training multiple muscle groups at once — allowing you to drop fat and carve definition all over in a short amount of time.

To get a cardio workout, these kettlebell exercises are best done in a circuit back-to-back, with little rest in-between.

One thing that is important to note, however, is that very thing that makes kettlebells so effective is also what makes them tricky. Usually, we are told not to use momentum or swing weights around, but here that’s it’s what you’re supposed to be doing, so proper form is essential for avoiding injury. Most exercises will build on the basic swing, so get that move down pat before moving on to more advanced moves.

A few keys to proper kettlebell form:

Kettlebell Swings

Single-Arm Alternating Swings

Turkish Get-Ups

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Single-Arm Clean-And-Press

Kettlebell High Pull

Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

Kettlebell Lunge And Press