
Lying-Down Exercises For When You Just Don’t Want To Get Up

By Caleb Palmquist

December 20, 2016

You don’t have to get up from the floor (or even your bed) to get lean. There are plenty of exercises you can do while lying down that work most of the major muscle groups in your body.

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Try these easy moves to tone up and burn calories for those days when you really don’t want to get up. You’re welcome.


This exercise works your back and butt muscles, and strengthens your core. To perform the Superman:


Roll-ups are a Pilates technique that can develop core strength and improve circulation.

Frog Lift

A great exercise for your glutes and legs, the frog lift is another exercise you can do while lying on your stomach.

Bicycle Crunches

Single-Leg Bridge Press

To perform a single-leg bridge press:

Russian Twists

This twisting move is a simple and effective one to work your obliques.

Side Planks With Hip Lifts

A plank lift is a great way to target your core and obliques.

Dancing Bug

A fun exercise that will work your abs and obliques, the dancing bug workout only requires a stability ball.