
Stability Ball Exercises To Tone Your Lower Belly, Hips And Thighs

By Gina McKnight

September 07, 2016

Spare tire, love handles, thunder thighs – no matter what you call them, finding the right exercises to tone your lower belly, hips, and thighs can be a challenge.

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With regular exercise and determination, however, you can reshape, tighten and trim problem areas.

Read: Top 5 Flat-Belly Exercises

To get started on targeting and tone your lower body, come to terms with realistic goals. Setting goals will help you to stay disciplined to stay with your exercise routine. Push a little to get out of your comfort zone, but know your limitations. Do not strain, pull, or work beyond your fitness level. A daily dose of exercise – including resistance and cardio training – will yield profound results.

All of these exercises require a stability ball; however, you can modify the exercises and workout without the ball if you so choose.  The added height of the ball adds dimension to your workout; the challenge of keeping the ball balanced and in place adds an extra workout dynamic.

Grab your stability ball and try these four moves to tone your lower belly, hips, and thighs.

1. Stability Ball Curls

Stability ball curls are great for toning the area below your navel. Don’t forget to squeeze to engage the inner thighs.

2. Stability Ball Throw


The more you squeeze and work the ball, the greater the burn. Begin in the same position as stability ball curls. Here we go:

3. Stability Ball Thigh Toner

Tone and tighten your thighs while feeling the burn in your lower belly and hips. This exercise requires a resistance band, plus the stability ball.

4. Stability Ball Crunch

This is a great workout for stability ball beginners. If you find it difficult to do crunches on the floor, try using a stability ball. The fundamental challenge of this crunch is to keep the ball from rolling away as you crunch.

We all have our own reasons to exercise. A tight belly, toned hips, and strong thighs are excellent assets when it comes to our overall health. Not only will you be able to endure more challenging workout routines, but you’ll find you perform everyday movements with greater ease, too.

Before embarking on any exercise program, consult with your health care professional to determine your fitness level and which exercise program works best for you.