
These Are The Best Yoga Poses To Relieve Cramps

By Kelly Turner

May 24, 2017

Bloating, cramping, shooting pain, nausea — if you’re a woman, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The severity of menstrual cramps can range from slightly uncomfortable to debilitating, but either way, they aren’t fun.

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If you suffer from cramps every month, you may turn to medication for relief from your symptoms. Pain medication may ease your discomfort temporarily, but you can get to the root of the issue and ease the muscle contractions themselves with yoga.

An active lifestyle is one of the best treatment for cramps, but hitting the gym is often the last thing we feel like doing during that time of the month. Not only is yoga a low-intensity compromise, it can also help to relax the nervous system, relieve lower back pain, soothe leg and abdominal aches, and calm your mind.

Try the following 10 yoga poses to relieve menstrual cramps next time Aunt Flow comes to town.

1. Head-To-Knee Pose

2. Noose Pose

3. Camel Pose

4. Reclining Big Toe Pose

5. Arching Pigeon

6. Wide Child’s Pose

7. Spinal Twist

8. Legs Up The Wall

9. Bridge Pose

10. Downward Dog