
Your Guide To Losing Weight In The New Year

By Emily Capdevielle

December 29, 2016

Every New Year, many people resolve to finally lose those last 10 pounds (or more); however statistics say the odds are against you. Only 8 per cent of people actually succeed in achieving their New Year’s resolutions, according to a study by the University of Scranton.

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Don’t be another statistic. Here’s your survival guide to making a weight loss goal and sticking to it this year.

1. Make A Game Plan

If you’re ringing in the New Year with a goal to lose weight, you’ll need to come up with a game plan detailing how you’re going to achieve it. This will be different for everyone, and you may want to consult your doctor, a nutritionist or a personal trainer for some personalized advice. Make use of all the resources around you, so you can make the healthiest choices going forward. Very generally speaking, your plan should include aiming to eat as clean as possible, cutting out processed foods and sugar, and moving a few times a week — but start with small, measurable, achievable goals and build from there.

2. Start Small And Ease Into It

Too many changes all at once can be jarring and discouraging. Instead of jumping into the deep end, wade around in some shallow water first. If you currently eat out every day of the week, vow to cook your own meals at home 80 per cent of the time. Instead of working out every single day, aim to move just once or twice a week, and work your way up to more days once you are comfortable in this routine. Remember, you should always run any diet or exercise changes past your doctor, so you don’t risk injury or other health issues.

3. Make Yourself Accountable

Tell everyone and anyone about your goals. If you feel accountable, you’re less likely to start making excuses and give up on all your progress. If you know of someone who’s also aiming to lose weight, buddy up, so you can help keep each other on track. In a study published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, people who had the support of someone else who’d lost weight were more likely to lose weight themselves. Hiring a personal trainer or nutritionist to assist you with your weight loss will also help you stay accountable.

4. Avoid Negative Energy

Surround yourself with positive energy and things that motivate you. The last thing you need is to be around people who don’t encourage or support you. You can join fitness groups on social media sites, and read up on literature that will help you keep a positive mindset on achieving your fitness goals. Minimize the amount of time you spend with people who criticize you or don’t believe you can succeed.

5. Go To A Pro

Taking the guesswork out of a lifestyle change make a huge difference in getting the results you want, so consider enlisting the help of a nutritionist and/or trainer to develop a plan specifically tailored to your needs. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all plan, so what works for one person might not work for you. A professional trainer or nutritionist can help tailor a workout or diet specific to you and your needs.

6. Keep The ‘Why’ In Mind

When you’re in a tough spot – thinking about eating something you shouldn’t or excusing yourself from your scheduled workout – remember why you made this resolution to begin with. Whether it’s to fit into that little black dress, to be able to chase after your kids without getting winded, or to finally run that half-marathon you’ve always wanted to, the key is to not give up, even when you have small set backs. It won’t always be easy, and you won’t stick to your plan 100 per cent of the time. Pick yourself back up and keep at it. Remember: Grit and consistency are the true measures of success.

