
Does Muscle Really ‘Turn Into Fat’ If We Stop Exercising?

By Jason Langendorf

April 17, 2017

There are so many myths about losing weight and getting in shape, that many people are confused about even the most basic principles of how the body works.

In order to gain muscle, you must perform some kind of resistance training that will build up strength. This is done through lifting weights, not cardio. Then again, many women wrongfully believe that lifting weights will make their bodies bulk up;  and many people think that if they stop working out, their muscle actually turns into fat.

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All of these muscle myths are exactly that — myths. Here’s why.

The Difference Between Muscle And Fat

Why do some people believe that heavy layers of belly fat can be eradicated by doing targeted ab moves? Unfortunately, fat has nothing to do with the muscles you have beneath. Doing 300 crunches every day won’t help if you’ve got a thick layer of fat covering your ab muscles. On the contrary, when your body has substantial amounts of fat, it may make you actually look even bigger. This happens because the muscles under those fat layers shape up. As the muscles expand, your belly will also increase.

The best way to get rid of fat on the body is to eat a clean and healthy diet, combined with some HIIT-style cardio and strength training. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be and the easier it is to burn fat, even when you are at rest. But at no point does muscle somehow magically transform into fat or vice versa; you can lose fat and gain fat, and lose muscle and gain muscle, and you can do these things simultaneously.

So although it seems like your muscles are transforming into fat (or vice versa), that’s simply not scientifically true.

Bottom line, if you’re carrying extra weight, you need to lose it before you can show off your muscles underneath.


It’s equally important to drink water in order to keep the body properly hydrated. Most women are not interested in bulking up, but they don’t realize they won’t achieve those lean, well-defined muscles on their arms, legs and abs without intense resistance training.

Avoid sugary liquids – sodas, sweet drinks, fizzy drinks should be avoided at all costs because they contain compounds that turn into fats directly. You should focus on drinking water with fresh squeezed lemonade, or grapefruit juice that helps stimulate the fat burning process within the body without forcing you to lift weights or run for an hour on a treadmill.


We often seen fitness gurus and bodybuilders look bulkier when exercising intensively at the gym, and less bulky when they’re at home. Some use steroids to pump their muscles and make them look bigger, which is extremely unhealthy. But there are estrogen supplements, vitamins and minerals that are safe to use, because they offer energy, therefore extending endurance levels. Before doing anything, consult a nutritionist. Every human being has a different body constitution; this means that the supplements that has helped a friend bulk up may not work in your case.

Muscles Don’t Turn Into Fat

Bottom line is, muscles don’t turn into fat. Fat builds on top of muscles when your body eats unhealthy food and doesn’t drink enough water.  Sometimes, a sedentary lifestyle can be a main cause for fat accumulation on the belly, legs, and arms. It’s absurd to believe that if you stop working out, your muscle will turn into fat. You will lose muscle if you start working out, to be sure, and you may gain some extra fat now that you have a slower metabolism due to losing muscle, and due to less of a calorie burn. But your muscles aren’t converting into fat, and they can be built back up once you start exercising again.

Remember: If you don’t stop exercising, then this process won’t happen to begin with, so stick to your regime and focus on your goals.