
What To Know Before Hiring A Personal Trainer

By Emily Capdevielle

October 21, 2016

Finding the right personal trainer can be a daunting task. Before you hire someone — whether they’re associated with fitness organization or they work on a freelance basis — it’s important to do your research. Depending on your age and health, it’s really important to thoroughly know who you are hiring, so you’ll get the results you want and stay safe in the process. You can start by asking these simple questions.

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Is The Trainer Certified?

Just because a person is certified, doesn’t always mean they’re best for you, but knowing they are helps when it comes to reassuring your safety and checking that they’re reputable. Certifications also show that they’re dedicated and passionate about health and fitness. Each certification they hold will tell you a little more about their areas of expertise, from yoga to kettlebell training. More fitness centres and organizations are beginning to require trainers have a health or fitness-focused bachelor’s degree or professional certification, so do you research.

What Do They Specialize In?

Depending on what you’d like to focus on or what your goals are, you might want to hire a personal trainer who specializes in techniques that will help you achieve them. For example, if you’d like to run your first marathon, train with someone who has experience with endurance and strength training to get you across that finish line. If you’d like more experience with kettlebells, find a trainer certified in the proper techniques to avoid injuring yourself. A great personal trainer will constantly keep you engaged when you’re training and will keep pushing your limits.

What’s Their Experience?

Before hiring a personal trainer, you always want to know how experienced they are. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. According to the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT), 48 per cent of people working within the industry have only one to four years of experience. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but experience can be very important in certain regards. If you have any health conditions or special needs, ask if they have experience working with people with those conditions and with other clients with a similar lifestyle or in the same age group. A trainer who has extensive experience working with clients on varying fitness levels will help guide you more throughout your whole fitness journey as you grow stronger and become more fit. It’s important that your trainer recognizes how your body is adapting to certain exercises and modifying them so you’re always being challenged during each session.

Do They Have Great Testimonials?

Anyone can tell you to do a few push-ups and a few reps of bicep curls, but will their techniques give you the results you’re looking for? They need to be able to back up their training techniques with evidence of positive results, especially if you’re shelling out a lot of money for each training session. Ask to read any testimonials or speak with any current clients the trainer has, so you can get an honest opinion. If the trainer reports mixed results, ask why. A personal trainer can only do so much; the client also has to be dedicated to succeed. If you’re able to contact the trainer’s previous or current clients, ask why they stopped their training sessions or what they did and did not like about them to see if you will be able to connect with that particular trainer.

What’s Their Training Style?

There may be several reasons you’re searching for a personal trainer, but one of them might be because you need that accountability and motivation. Every trainer is different and has a different personality that goes along with it. Some people might respond more to a trainer that yells in their face to drop and give them a few more sets of mountain climbers, and some might shut down if the person’s too stern. If you don’t connect with your personal trainer’s techniques, you might have a hard time working with them long-term. Hire a personal trainer that makes you want to be a better you and keeps you focused on your fitness goals. Your trainer is there to help you expand your limits and get you outside of your fitness comfort zone, so you can become a healthier version of you.