
Five Easy Ways to Help Increase Your Energy Throughout the Day

By Nicolas Rivera

October 31, 2019

The daily grind of today’s busy life can drain your energy fast. Between your job and social activities, you might often find yourself tapped out. Perhaps you start spacing out in the early afternoon or find you lack the willpower to do your regular exercise routine. Luckily, there are several different products, including vitamins, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, that may help promote healthy energy levels.

Take a Multivitamin

The recommended daily intakes (RDIs) of vitamins and minerals are there for a reason. Your body needs enough of these nutrients to keep all of its systems running at peak efficiency. It is no surprise then that nutrient deficiency is a major cause of fatigue in the United States.

Common nutrient deficiencies that can cause fatigue include iron, B vitamins (especially vitamin B12), vitamin D, and magnesium. Supplementing with these these may reduce fatigue and related symptoms.*

Support Your Mitochondrial Function

Mitochondria are specialized compartments within your cells that contain enzymes for producing energy. This energy is what powers all the processes in your body, from muscle contractions to the firing of your neurons.

Supplementing with Co-Q10, an important molecule used by energy-making enzymes, can improve mitochondrial efficiency and reduce fatigue. Other supplements that benefit mitochondrial health, such as lipoic acid and vitamins C and E, can also support healthy energy levels.

Restore Your Hormone Levels

Hormones control your appetite, affect your mood, regulate your sleep cycle, and manage cellular energy. As you age, however, your body produces lower amounts of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. This can impede your body’s normal function and decrease your energy. Please consult with a physician who is specially trained in hormones before considering supplementation.

Sleep Better with Melatonin

Melatonin is the primary hormone in your body that regulates your sleep cycle. Supplemention with Melatonin 20-30 minutes before bedtime may support a regular sleep/wake cycle, as well as promote a healthy immune function.


Support Adrenal Stress with  Adaptogenic Herbs

Your adrenal glands produce several types of your body’s hormones, including those needed for energy regulation. If they become stressed or damaged, your daily energy could suffer as a result.

Specific botanicals contain molecules called adaptogens that help protect your adrenal glands from toxins and oxidative stress.7 Certain adaptogenic herbs, including ashwagandha, ginseng, licorice root, and some types of mushrooms, such as Reishi, have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and are now being recognized by the modern medical community for their role in supporting healthy energy levels.

If you want to get the most out of your day, consider supplementation with any of the above mentioned ingredients. To get started, Vital Nutrients offers a wide variety of energy-promoting supplements to fit your individual lifestyle and health needs.




[1]        CF Haskell, B Robertson, E Jones, J Forster, R Jones, A Wilde, S Maggini, and DO Kennedy. 2010. “Effects of a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement on cognitive function and fatigue during extended multi-tasking.” Hum Psychopharmacol.  25(6):448-61.


[2]        CR D’Adamo, JS Novick, TM Feinberg, VJ Dawson, and LE Miller. 2018. “A Food-Derived Dietary Supplement Containing a Low Dose of Iron Improved Markers of Iron Status Among Nonanemic Iron-Deficient Women.” J Am Coll Nutr.  37(4):342-349.


[3]        S Mehrabani, G Askari, M Miraghajani, R Tavakoly, and A Arab. 2019. “Effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on fatigue: A systematic review of interventional studies.” Complement Ther Med.  43181-187.


[4]        GL Nicolson. 2014. “Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease: Treatment With Natural Supplements.” Integr Med (Encinitas).  13(4):35-43.


[5]        M Adamczyk-Sowa, K Pierzchala, P Sowa, S Mucha, I Sadowska-Bartosz, J Adamczyk, and M Hartel. 2014. “Melatonin acts as antioxidant and improves sleep in MS patients.” Neurochem Res.  39(8):1585-93.


[6]        NA Grima, SMW Rajaratnam, D Mansfield, TL Sletten, G Spitz, and JL Ponsford. 2018. “Efficacy of melatonin for sleep disturbance following traumatic brain injury: a randomised controlled trial.” BMC Med.  16(1):8.


[7]        L Dobrek. 2019. “The outline of stress pathophysiology and pharmacodynamic action of plant-based eustressors – adaptogens.” Pol Merkur Lekarski.  46(273):103-108.


[8]        J Ducharme. (2018, February 28) What Are Adapogens and Why Are People Taking Them? Time.