
Here’s how you can save on your gym fees with health insurance

By Nicolas Rivera

July 03, 2019

Health insurers have to pay out when you get sick, develop lifestyle diseases or become injured. This gives them a reason to find ways to keep you healthy. One of the most common tactics is encouraging customers to remain active. What does this mean? Cheaper gym fees.

Find out if a class could treat your specific health condition

Some health insurance plans will pay a modest amount toward your gym membership. Others may pay for yoga or Pilates classes, swimming lessons or private training sessions if your doctor says this will improve a specific health condition. This is especially true if you’re working with a physical therapist or if your general physician recommends more exercise to treat diabetes and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Select a health insurance plan that pays your gym fees

If you’re already planning on shopping for health insurance, compare health insurance policies based on the benefits they provide — including free or discounted gym membership. They may not directly say they’ll pay for your gym membership, but instead list it as an extra under health management, lifestyle or wellness benefits. To pick the best fund for your health insurance membership visit iSelect. And check the extras that may already be included with your existing health insurance plan. You may find your covered for gym membership benefits but just haven’t taken advantage of them. Know that the government stopped giving insurers rebates for some natural therapies, including yoga and pilates. This means you need to research what your updated health insurance coverage includes.

Calculate the cost-benefit ratio

Private health insurance policies vary in the fitness benefits they offer. These benefits may be percentage based without limits, or they may have monthly and annual limits regardless of how much the classes or memberships cost. You’re probably not going to receive fitness benefits that offset the health insurance premiums, but these benefits may defray the cost and make private health coverage more affordable overall.

Verify which gyms and classes they subsidise

Health insurance providers sometimes limit coverage to specific situations or healthcare facilities. This allows them to receive discounts for the sheer number of patients they refer to the healthcare provider. The same can be true for gyms and fitness classes. Don’t assume that the private health plan you are considering will give you discounted or free classes at your favourite gym. Make sure you compare their fitness benefits to what you’re currently paying. They may give you a discount on yoga classes, but not Zumba or sports team fees.

A surprisingly number of people don’t know that private health coverage could cover part of the cost of their gym membership or the price you pay to take specific classes. Learn more about the benefits that may be available to you with your current health insurer and other private health insurance plans.