
How Pet CBD Products Can Help Your Furry Friend

By Cheif Editor

September 23, 2020

There are different CBD products for pets, including dog treats, CBD oil tinctures, CBD hard chews, CBD soft chews, and more. Full-spectrum CBD oil is also available for our furry friends. There are many CBD brands and products on the market. Pets benefit from CBD because pets can also suffer from depression, anxiety, pain, and inflammation. Pets can also have sleep issues, appetite concerns, and heart conditions. CBD has been scientifically proven to benefit humans and animals. The product should have a high CBD concentration if it will be used for pain. Buying the CBD from brands that sell organic, high-quality ingredients is recommended.

CBD Products on the Market

Pet CBD products can be found online. Full-spectrum CBD oil is popular with pet owners. There are also infused dog chews. Some pet owners may also be interested in infused hot spot oil or a CBD pet care kit. Some pets may also be interested in trying CBD gummies or CBD pet treats. One unique product for your pet is full-spectrum hemp oil for their paws. It is also safe if the pets end up licking or eating the hemp oil off their paws. There’s a variety of CBD products for pets on the market. The products mentioned are just some of the best products for pets in the CBD market.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Pets?

Currently, there have been no studies conducted to test CBD on pets. The only thing that has been researched is the connection between cannabinoids and the peripheral nervous system. Scientists have discovered that it keeps the body balanced and healthy, with both of them interacting together. The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) is conducting a study through Colorado State University. This study will test the relationship between CBD and treatment-resistant epileptic dogs. The possible side effects of giving your pet CBD are a dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and drowsiness.

CBD Dosages for Pets

It’s essential to have the right dosage of CBD oil for your pet. There are many factors including weight if they are in pain, and how much CBD they need. For example, if your pet only weighs around 10 pounds, and you want to try a low dose, then the pet would only need 1 mg. whereas if the pet weighed 100 pounds, they would need 10 mg for a low dosage. If your pet is in any pain, 1-5mg of CBD oil for every 10 pounds your pet weighs is a good amount. They would only need oil every 8 hours. Starting with a low dose is recommended. The animal should start feeling the CBD kick in after 30-60 minutes. If the animal still feels nothing, then another dosage is recommended.

How Do CBD Pet Treats Work?

Animals have a native receptor for CBD located in the brain. The receptors run through the nervous system regulate memory, emotional states, pain, anxiety, and appetite. The CBD works with the receptors and can help relieve pain, stress, and other issues. The cannabidiol mixes with different receptors that help with pain, anxiety, and more. CBD pet products usually try to relieve any pain, calms the animal, and lowering stress levels. It comes in the form of a dog treat or a biscuit and can also help pets who don’t want to take medication. The smell and taste of a CBD pet treat mixed with the pet’s medicine might help.

What is in a CBD Pet Treat?

The pet products should contain organic, gluten-free, non-toxic, non-psychoactive ingredients. It should mainly have cannabidiol. Find the CBD pet treats that have organic and healthy ingredients. CBD is legal for pets. People can legally purchase CBD pet treats in states that have medical marijuana legalized. Currently, it is legal in 33 states. It is legal in states like Washington, California, and New York. Many southern states, such as Texas and Alabama, have medical marijuana illegal. Although most of the south has medical marijuana illegal, Florida has legalized marijuana.

What Will CBD look like for Pets in the Future?

There are new CBD pet products coming to the CBD market each year. Researchers are still looking into how CBD affects animals and our beloved pets. They are researching the effects CBD has on our minds and our bodies. So far, the information they found is positive. This product is high in demand right now as the market grows. For many years CBD has been looked upon as unfavorable and had horrible stigmas about cannabis. People looked at it negatively because cannabis has THC and CBD, and many people’s stigmas and stereotypes made it seem negative. When people found out CBD doesn’t get you high at all because of the moderate amount of THC in CBD, people started doing their own research about it and giving CBD products a chance. It only has 0.3% of THC in the product. Once people started learning the truth about CBD and putting their stigmas aside, CBD gained tons of popularity. They also started giving it to their pets to help them in medical ways.

In 2019, CBD sales increased by 133%. The total of that percentage is over $1 billion. In the future, if more money went to research, we could learn more about CBD and pets. Also, the market would grow even more. The best thing to do now is always to consult a veterinarian first and make sure the CBD treats won’t get your pet sick. CBD helps with pain, anxiety, depression, and other things such as concentration, focus, and addiction recovery. There are more pros than cons concerning CBD. Make sure to buy high-quality, organic, and non-toxic CBD pet treats for the best results. Start on a low dosage first, then work your way up to a comfortable CBD level. CBD benefits our beloved pets in calming, soothing, and painless ways. There are a variety of CBD pet products that can help your pet today.