
How to Boost Your HGH Production Naturally

By Nicolas Rivera

April 19, 2019

Human Growth Hormone, known more commonly as HGH, is naturally produced by the pituitary gland. It is necessary for keeping your cells repaired, your metabolism functioning well, and for keeping your muscles strong. With muscles, in particular, HGH keeps them strong, while also helping you grow your muscles and improve your physical performance. It might also be used to help recover from diseases or injury. However, if you have low HGH levels, your life may be impacted negatively.

There are plenty of benefits of HGH in our bodies. Having low HGH can reduce your quality of life while also making you gain fat. The added fat can put you at risk for a number of diseases. However, your lifestyle and diet can have an impact on how high your HGH levels are. This article will discuss the different ways to increase your human growth hormone levels in a natural way. They are also likely to treat Low-T, or low testosterone, which can also have an impact on your quality of life.

Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle

Having a high body fat percentage is directly connected to your low human growth hormone levels. If you have high fat around your belly, not only is your human growth hormone production lowered, but it also puts you more at risk for diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

Research suggests that the HGH levels are affected by excess body fat in men. Those who are obese have lower levels. However, after losing a significant portion of that weight and converting it into muscle, the levels return to normal. Belly fat is the kind you need to be the most concerned about It is linked to a number of diseases, making it the most dangerous kind of fat. Losing the spare tire will optimize your levels of testosterone and your human growth hormone levels.

Try an Arginine Supplement to Improve your Human Growth Hormone Levels

Most people understand that adding amino acids into your diet can be beneficial for building muscle. However, when you add the amino acid arginine alone, your HGH levels improve.

Simply take 20 grams of the amino acid to your diet as an over the counter method to improve your levels and balance them out. It’s like therapy for your body. Adding protein can also improve your testosterone levels because adding protein synthesis and improving your muscles will increase your testosterone levels, creating a perfect treatment for Low-T levels.

Don’t Eat Before Bed

Many guys like to have a midnight snack before they hit the sack because they think it will help keep them fueled up for the next day. However, eating right before bed can have a detrimental effect on your health. The body naturally releases it throughout the day, but the prime time for HGH is at night.

The reason why you shouldn’t eat before bed is because of the way food affects your insulin levels. When you eat a high protein meal or a protein shake before bed, your blood is spiked with insulin, which may block it from getting released throughout the night. Insulin is reduced 2-3 hours after you eat, which means you should avoid consuming your protein shakes 2-3 hours before bed. Diet not only plays a huge role in our daily lives, but it can also positively, or negatively, affect your HGH production.

GABA Supplements

Eating GABA supplements is a great way for men to improve their human growth hormone levels and their testosterone levels. This amino acid is not a protein, but it is a neurotransmitter. It sends signals to your brain and it is vital to creating clear thinking for men.

GABA functions as a calming agent for your brain and central nervous system. It’s like therapy for your brain, bringing down the sensations of panic and the ceaseless thoughts. It’s often used to support a better sleep cycle because it helps the brain calm down.

Several studies have also suggested that it can improve your human growth hormone levels up to 400% at rest and by nearly 200% after exercise. Part of this is due to GABA’s ability to improve sleep quality in men.

Do HIIT Workouts

Exercise is an easy way to balance your human growth hormone levels, especially when you up the intensity. Increases in HGH levels happen right after your lifting sessions if you use limited rests. Don’t rest for longer than 30 seconds between reps to up the levels of the human growth hormone. It will also increase testosterone levels since exercise is also one of the best ways to increase testosterone in men.

The lactic acid increase in high-intensity workouts increases the metabolism, increasing the human growth hormone and testosterone. All forms of exercise can help level them out, but high-intensity exercises are the best to even them out. It can also increase your fat loss when you do interval training, weight, training, or sprints.

Optimize your Sleeping Patterns

As mentioned above, your sleeping patterns can have a huge effect on the levels of human growth hormones in your body. The majority of HGH is released when you sleep due to the circadian rhythm. The largest pulse of the human growth hormone release is right around midnight, though some of it is also released in the early morning.

Many studies reveal that poor sleep can cause your body’s levels to become unbalanced. Getting the right amount of sleep with high-quality sleep, meaning you go into REM cycles throughout the night, will do more than just keep you rested. To improve your sleep, turn off your devices two hours before bed. Relax the mind by reading or relaxing without a screen. Make sure your bedroom is dark and comfortable. It’s also important not to consume caffeine late in the day.

Take Melatonin Supplements

If you have a hard time falling asleep, make sure you take melatonin supplements. It can help regulate your blood pressure and your sleep cycle. The supplements have become a popular over the counter treatment to improve your quality of sleep. Having quality sleep will improve the human growth hormone levels, but melatonin has been shown to enhance the production of it directly. It’s also very safe and non-toxic.

Doctor Prescribed HGH Therapy and Testosterone Therapy

In many cases, especially with men over the age of 30, testosterone and natural HGH production can decline rapidly, leaving them feeling as if they’ve been hit by a freight train. Typically, it can decline 1% each year after this milestone. While most men chalk-up their symptoms to “getting older”, most don’t recognize that testosterone and HGH have a huge impact on their daily lives. The most common symptoms in with lower than normal testosterone or HGH levels include decreased libido, weight gain, hair loss, loss of lean muscle mass, anxiety, depression, and more. The list is endless it seems.

What men need to realize is that there is physician supervised testosterone and HGH therapy programs available for men that meet specific requirements. Hormone therapy clinics exist for this reason, and finding a local clinic is relatively easy. In our experience, reputable hormone therapy clinics will first assess each patient’s symptoms, then prescribe blood labs. The labs will give an accurate assessment of the patient’s testosterone and HGH levels so that the physician can prescribe a hormone therapy plan specific to their needs.