
How to Build the Ultimate Home Gym in 4 Steps

By Nicolas Rivera

February 20, 2020

If you’re into fitness, then you have probably thought about building a home gym. Or maybe you have already started planning for one. Having your own gym is a great way to reduce the amount of time you spend going back and forth to the gym and it can be a great way to keep you focused and motivated. But it has to be a space where you’ll actually want to work out. It also has to be a space that is conducive to exercise. Let’s take a look at how you could build the in four steps.

Make Sure that it is Properly Aerated

One thing that is essential in a home gym, but that a lot of people tend to overlook, is ventilation. Unless the space is properly aerated, the , smelly, and you won’t be able to perform at the same level because of the lack of oxygen.

So, make sure that the room has good air supply and additional ventilation. Make sure that you have HEPA filters installed. Consider adding an air purifier in the room as well. Look into a dehumidifier if the room naturally has a lot of humidity.

Sound Proofing

There are different things that you can do here. One way could be to have the room far away from main areas, somewhere where the floor is solid, such as a basement or the garage. The other solution is adding gym mats. Invest in gym mats made specifically for sound and consider buying rubber coated weights.

Have a Hydration Station

Another thing that you should do is make sure that you always have access to fresh water. Some people will go all out and add a water fountain, but one option is leaving a space for a fridge.

Use a fridge that has both an ice and water dispenser. You’ll be able to store other drinks inside the fridge, and some snacks as well.  You also have to make sure that the water filter is clean and still in good condition. If it’s been a while since you replaced it, sites like have a wide variety. These only cost a handful of dollars but will have a significant effect on water quality.

Lights, Paint, and Sound

You also have to make sure that the room actually stimulates you. Go for vibrant colors like red, orange, and electric blue, and don’t be afraid to go wild with decals. Have a mirror wall. And also make sure that you invest in sound and at least one monitor. You should also consider having the gym somewhere with a lot of natural light.


Building a nice home gym is something virtually anyone can do, as long as you know what you want and are ready to do the work. Make sure that you pick a spot that will allow you to get the best workout possible and you’ll look forward to working out there.