
How to Manage Your Weight

By Nicolas Rivera

October 25, 2019


A healthy weight is one major determinant of a long life. To function at their best, both children and adults need to avoid gaining excess weight. Being overweight increases your risk of getting chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke, among others. The key to good health is practicing a healthy lifestyle that combines regular physical activity and sensible eating practices. If you’re concerned about weight loss in Las Vegas, your BMI can help you evaluate your body and chart a course for healthy living practices.

Evaluating Your Weight

There’s no perfect body size for everyone, but this is no excuse to ignore your weight concerns. Keep track of your waist measurements and weight, and if either of them has increased, take action. Find out your BMI category by weighing yourself and having your height measured. The higher the BMI category, the greater the risk of developing a weight-related disease. Measure your waist while standing to get accurate results. If your waist is larger than 35 inches for women and 40 for a man, this is an indication that you have excess body fat (even with the right BMI category), which puts you at greater risk of health problems.

Evaluating Risk Factors

The more risk factors you have, the higher the likelihood of becoming overweight. Many factors affect your tendency to gain weight, including genes, overeating, and labor-saving devices such as vehicles and elevators. Evaluate your risk factors by finding out whether you have a personal or family history of weight-related diseases. Consider your age, if you’re over the age of 45 (for men) or if menopause has set in (for women). Observe your lifestyle in terms of smoking and drinking, and if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, consider the levels of physical activity in your life. Lastly, check your blood pressure, blood lipid levels, as well as your cholesterol levels.

Being Underweight

A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight. The condition can occur with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, or loss of appetite. Most cancers, chronic conditions, and infections also result in weight loss to this point. The issue can also be linked to irregular periods and osteoporosis.

Visit a doctor immediately if you experience sudden weight loss, as it can be a symptom of a health problem.

Weight gain involves consuming more calories than you burn. It also involves weight training and other exercises to promote muscle development. People who are extremely underweight should see a doctor before attempting any weight-gaining regimen.


Diet plans may be useful in adding or shedding off a little extra weight, but for weight management plans to be truly successful, you need to make long-term changes to your eating habits. Following a restrictive diet will be difficult to maintain over a long period of time. It’s not only important that you manage your weight, but you should also maintain the healthy weight levels to see the full impact on your life. For positive results, it’s best to make long-term changes to both eating habits and physical behavior.

Make sensible choices when it comes to choosing food. A healthy assortment of foods such as vegetables, grains, fruits, fish and beans is recommended. Avoid foods that have high fat and sugar content, while maintaining a sensible portion. Increase your levels of physical activity if you have none, by trying to exercise for at least 45 minutes (60 minutes for children).