
How to Prevent Hair Fall in Children?

By Cheif Editor

August 11, 2020

Hair loss just a problem for adults but in children, it is also responsible for an estimated 3% of pediatricians. Whether the child has thin hair, distinct bald spots, hair loss can be frightening. However, there is no need to worry, with the help of a proper diagnosis, can be treated successfully.

Causes of Hair Loss in Children

Children of 26 months or older are suffering hair loss. There are several causes responsible for hair loss in children such as:

Tinea capitis

Tinea capitis, also known as ringworm of the scalp. It is a fungal infection seen in children. It shows up in several ways, but often as scaly patches on the head. These patches are round or oval, but hairs may be broken off at the surface of the skin.

If the doctor suspects tinea capitis, a microscopic examination confirms the diagnosis. Treatment involves an oral antifungal taken by eight weeks.

Nutritional deficiency

This condition is less common, but hair loss can also be a symptom of deficiencies in nutrients, including:

However, with a healthy, varied diet, children will not experience nutritional deficiencies that lead to hair loss.

Prevention of hair fall in children

If your child is suffering from hair fall, do not be tense. Here are some of the ways by which you can avoid hair fall in your children.

Consider prescription medications

There are some clinically approved drugs in order to prevent hair loss in children such as minoxidil or finasteride. These medications work by inhibiting the hormone DHT that causes the hair follicles to shrink and eventually fall out. Some medications also work by increasing blood flow and nutrient uptake to the follicles.

Switch to anti-DHT shampoos

DHT is known as one of the main culprits in hair loss. Along with this, some shampoos also help to combat these because some hair products also block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, just as finasteride does.

Use a laser comb

Apart from medication, laser comb is known as one of the effective hair-loss treatments to have received FDA approval, especially in children. The laser hair growth therapy is popular method of hair loss treatment. If you want to prevent hair loss in kids, a significant increase can be seen in hair density after twenty-six weeks of applying a laser comb across the scalp.  However, the exact way the combs work is not understood fully but it has been suggested that low-power lasers show an antioxidant effect on hair follicles.

Change your hair products

There is some evidence that gels, lotions, hair oil, or hair shampoo may contribute to hair loss. The chemicals in these products stay on the scalp and trapped in the follicles and prevent the hair from coming to the surface. Never use excessive hair products on the scalp of your child. Try to get natural products, which contain fewer chemicals.

Avoid hot showers

Overly hot showers also cause damage to the scalp by stripping it of the oils that help to protect it and cause dryness and inflammation. However, there is no direct evidence that proves that hot showers lead to hair loss in children. Some researchers also believe that scalp inflammation can also result in miniaturization of the hair follicles in children.

Try scalp massage

It is essential to know that scalp massage has the potential in order to increase the density by improving blood circulation to the scalp as well as hair follicles. Scalp massage in children also increases the activity of genes known in order to promote hair growth. Furthermore, the massage helps to lower stress levels in children that are also the major cause of hair loss.

Manage your child’s anxiety

It is crucial to know that stress and anxiety also cause hair loss, even in children. You have to work with a behavioral health professional, specializes in pediatric care if the child has a diagnosed anxiety disorder such as anxiety, panic disorder, separation anxiety, social phobia, or OCD. There is a great need to help the child cope with general stress by trying these steps:

Do positive and perform distracting activities with them such as reading, playing outside, or providing warm physical contact.