
How to Reboot Your Exercise Routine

By Cheif Editor

September 03, 2020

If you are like many of us, you had big plans for 2020. This was going to be the year you finally did a cleanse diet, amped up your workout routine and got yourself in shape for that you have been wanting to do.

Then, the ‘Rona came and changed everything. You may be sitting on your sofa right now, eating Cheez-Its, watching Ultimate Beastmaster on Netflix, hoping that lifting your phone to check Instagram will burn off enough calories to keep your belly pooch from growing out of your sweatpants. But not to worry! We’ve got some tips that will help you get moving and feeling motivated in no time. It’ll probably only hurt a little.

Preparation and Planning are Key

Just reading that you are not alone in the struggle may have been enough to make you want to get going right now, but hold onto that enthusiasm for just a few more minutes. Doing some push-ups or running a mile because you are inspired in the moment is great, but you need a plan if you want to stick to a renewed routine longterm.

Get Your Body Ready

If it’s been a while since you have worked out, you’re going to want to prepare your body for movement again. Spend some time hydrating and improving your nutrition. You don’t necessarily have to stop eating your Cheez-Its. You just need to add some protein and some greens so that your muscles have the energy they need to sustain movement and recover after the extra effort you’re putting them through.

In addition to setting the foundation for better workouts through hydration and nutrition, you may want to consider getting yourself some . Olympic and pro athletes have begun to use CBD to prime their bodies before they work out, and to aid recovery after. CBD helps reduce inflammation and pain, relaxes your mind and body, and promotes better sleep—so you can keep pushing through.

Make a Plan

Get your calendar out. Make specific workout goals for yourself so you have something to work toward. There are plenty of free apps, and you can even . Having abstract goals makes it difficult to stay motivated, so get detailed about how you will do the work.

While we’re on the subject of what kind of goal-setting works, don’t bother with specific weight goals. Not yet. Instead, focus on when you will exercise, how much time you plan to devote, and what kinds of exercises you will do. If you have a specific strength goal, specific muscle group you want to focus on, or a specific cardio target, go for that. Focusing on achievements rather than weight loss will help keep you on track and encouraged.

Start Out Slow

Overdoing it too early is one of the worst things you can do for yourself when you’re trying to get back into a routine. Even if you just spend the first week getting reacquainted with the way your body moves, you can go all out after if you find yourself rarin’ to go. Just make sure you are ready to handle the deep end before diving straight in.

Work Your Way Up to More

A good place to start if you haven’t been working out for a while is to plan on cardio twice a week and strength training once a week. On your off days, try to do some yoga or light movement to stave off soreness. Grab those CBD gummies we mentioned earlier in order to help you keep your chill when things start to get stiff.

Keep at the two days of cardio, one of strength training for a couple of weeks, then add another day of each. Just be sure to stay hydrated and eat plenty of protein to feed your muscles as you build them.

Recovery Workouts Will Help Prevent Soreness

Recovery workouts reduce inflammation, increase circulation to overworked muscles, and help improve your mobility and range of motion. Spending even ten minutes after an intense workout or a little the next day, will clear out waste buildup in your muscles and help you feel your best as you persevere.

Know Thyself

Are you the type of person who appreciates novelty? If so, maybe now is the time to try something completely different. Take a new class or find a new trail to run on. If you prefer routine, then maybe it will feel great to pick back up with the workout you enjoyed before you stopped exercising.

Do What Feels Right for You

Remember that there is no single way to get back into a fitness routine. The most important thing is that you are doing something to improve the way you feel and work toward a healthier you. Find what feels right and give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve got this!