
How to Use Essential Oils to Quit Smoking

By Cheif Editor

October 07, 2020

Essential oils have been in use for centuries for medicinal, spiritual, and other purposes. Extracted from plants, these oils contain the “essence” of that plant. You’ve probably seen essential oils on the shelves at your local grocery or department store, or even online. While there isn’t an abundance of clinical evidence to suggest that essential oils serve any real medical purpose, anecdotal evidence from across several centuries suggests they can be used for all manner of ailments and for general wellbeing.

Some people even use essential oils to help ease the smoking cessation process. In combination with tobacco free chew or other alternative products, essential oils may actually help alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and help smokers put down tobacco forever.

Are you looking to quit smoking? Here’s how to use essential oils to help the process.

What Are Essential Oils?

First, let’s take a deeper look at what essential oils actually are. By definition, essential oils are

Compounds extracted from plants that contain the plant’s essence, or “flavor”

Plants such as lavender, mint, orange, and lemon are among some of the most popular essential oil blends. Essential oils can be diffused, applied directly (after dilution), put into bathwater, bath bombs, lotions, and so much more. Their uses are numerous and the sheer number of “flavors” you can purchase is almost overwhelming.

Essential oils are extracted through a process called distillation, in which heated water vapor is used to extract the plant’s essence. It’s then mixed with a carrier oil to create what we know as essential oils. The quality of the plant and the distillation process can both have an impact on the overall quality of the final product. You don’t want to buy cheap essential oils, as they contain many fillers.

Essential Oil Uses

Essential oils are not meant to be ingested or used topically, unless diluted or infused in a lotion, oil, or some other topical. Aromatherapy is perhaps the most popular method of using essential oils. Diffusers help fill the air with the scent of the oil(s), which all have a different effect.

Lavender oil is said to help calm the mind and bring positive energy into a space.

Mint oil is said to energize the mind and body.

Tea Tree oil is said to help cleanse the air, and is often used in household cleaners as well.

It’s important to note that products like CBD oil aren’t the same as essential oils. Be sure your packaging says “essential oil” on it so you’re getting the right stuff.

Can They Actually Help Quit Smoking?

Now that we have a better understanding of what essential oils are and how they work, we can look closer at how they can potentially help smokers quit for good. You won’t be ingesting, smoking, or injecting essential oils to help you quit smoking. Their use will be purely for aromatherapy or topical applications.

Some essential oils can help alleviate the nervous tension that accompanies nicotine withdrawal. A more calm and relaxing environment can help you focus on the task at hand instead of the withdrawal your body is going through. Lavender and chamomile are popular choices for this.

Some essential oils, like mint, can directly help certain withdrawal symptoms like headaches and digestive issues. Depending on your symptoms, you might need one essential oil or another, so it’s best to have at least a few options at your disposal.

When, What, And How To Use

So, when should you use essential oils during this process, what oils should you use, and how should you use them?

When: You should use your oils anytime you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms or cravings. When the discomfort of nicotine withdrawal sets in, your mind craves alleviation in the form of another cigarette. You must alleviate symptoms as much as possible to fight off those cravings.

What: Keep at least one bottle of peppermint, lavender, and orange essential oil on hand. Peppermint can be used for aches and pains, lavender can be a stress reliever, and orange can be invigorating and energizing.

How: Peppermint oil is often sold as a roll-on applicator for headaches and localized pain. Lavender and orange oils are best diffused for aromatherapy.

Tobacco Use Is On The Decline

With an increasing awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco and the shady practices of the tobacco industry, worldwide tobacco use is actually on the decline. This is great news, but some still need help breaking free of the habit. We hope this article was helpful, and that you find the right essential oils to help alleviate your symptoms and break the chains of addiction. Remember that essential oils aren’t to be ingested, and aromatherapy or topical applications are the best ways to use them.