
How to write a perfect workout plan if you study in college

By Nicolas Rivera

November 18, 2019

Staying healthy is an important but challenging job. Especially in your early years when you are still in a search of yourself, your identity, career and so on. We get that. Nevertheless, taking good care of yourself is crucial. One of the ways you can do it is by exercising. Now, it doesn’t mean going to a gym seven days a week. It is not the way. Also, what student has so much time on their hands? No, good college workout plans require some preparations and research. To have a perfect workout plan, though, you need to consider many different aspects. Such a plan includes eating and sleeping habits, exercise preferences, and well-a developed a schedule. Find out more details about creating a perfect workout plan further in our article.


First of all, you need to decide how much you want to exercise. Many tend to make a daily exercise routine. Though, doctors do not recommend training every day. You need breaks. Your body gets tired and requires proper rest. So, make a week or month workout plan but include intervals for relaxation.

Also, having a proper schedule will help you create a routine. This way you’ll know when you need to make time for exercising and when you have your earned days of rest. Also, it makes it harder skipping a workout or making excuses when it is in your planner, do you agree?

Balance your workout

Your ultimate goal is to stay healthy, which implies not hurting yourself. In order to do that you need to learn how to balance your workout routine. This means you need to plan different types of training every day. Dedicate a day for your upper body,  and the next one for the lower body; switch training from strength workout to stretching and some cardio. Switch on different intensities if it makes easier for you to approach your routine. Going from the top to down will help you create an easy workout plan.

Also mixing it up will make it more interesting to you. So it will increase your chances of sticking to your routine and getting bored too easily.

Pick the type of exercise you like

Exercising should be something exciting for you, something you are glad to return to. So it should be something you can actually appreciate having in your life. To do that you need a type of workout that fits you. For example, some people like to go jogging as it gives them a flow of energy, some like doing yoga as it calms them gown, some go boxing to release the stress. You see my point, right? Pick something that speaks to you the most.

There is a ton of different workout guides online so you can test different exercises before making your mind.

Take care of your healthy habits

A perfect workout plan is nothing without a good foundation. To prepare your body and your mind for good exercising you need to have enough rest and energy. To achieve that you need healthy eating habits and enough hours of sleep. Of course, we understand that studying at college is rarely associated with those two things. At the very least you can always use some customerwriting services to take some pressure off your shoulders. Though, if anything, a workout plan should encourage you to take care of your body better.

Stick to it

Of course, it sounds obvious but in order to have a perfect workout plan, you need to stick to it. So plan out everything you want to do to be healthy and strong and then stick to it! It is the best advice we can give, to be honest. You need to turn your exercising routine into a solid habit if you want to achieve good results.


Hopefully, you found some useful tips on how to make a perfect workout plan for college students. As you can see, it is much easier than you may have thought. In truth, a perfect plan requires nothing more but your desire and dedication. If you have these two things, you have everything you need! Though, please, still approach your exercise routine carefully, be kind to yourself and don’t rush. Of course, we all want immediate results though it’s the results that last should interest you more. To have those, you need good planning and motivation. Just remember, everything is possible when you really want it! Good luck!


Susan Wallace is a freelance writer and blogger. She feels very passionate about health issues, especially among children and youth. Susan is also a dancer and a yoga instructor. Once a month she visits schools and teaches students about the health benefits of yoga and other sports activities.