
How Your Child Can Benefit from Physical Activity

By Cheif Editor

September 12, 2020

As a parent, your child’s health and fitness should be one of your major concerns. For your child to flourish academically and grow into well respected adults, regular physical activity can strengthen muscles and bones, lower blood pressure and help with their development. With that in mind, here are a few ways on how your kids can benefit from regular exercise.

Maintain a Steady Weight

While your child shouldn’t be fixated on their appearance and weight, regular physical activity combined with decreasing sedentary actions like watching television and playing on a computer game can help in preventing obesity. If you have noticed any changes in your child’s weight and are concerned about their health, encouraging them to be more active and eliminating distractions is key.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Vigorous activity cultivates a healthy heart and lungs, helping to prevent high blood pressure which can start during childhood. If your child gets into the habit of exercising regularly, they will instantly be at a lower risk of developing heart disease. Whether they go for a run around the block, or try out virtual physical activity programs, keeping active can boost cardiovascular health.

Develops Muscle Strength

Regular exercise helps to develop muscle strength which decreases your child’s risk of injury. Lots of children love to explore and aren’t necessarily aware of the dangers day to day life brings. Should your child sustain an injury from playing, their body will function better thanks to exercise which helps speed up the recovery process.

Boosts Self-Esteem

As your child gets into the habit of regular exercise, not only will you notice an increase in their strength and agility, they will feel more confident in their abilities. Low self-esteem can have a huge effect on their wellbeing both in school and at home. As your child gains confidence from physical activity, they will feel more comfortable in their skin and more willing to push themselves harder both physically and academically.

Increases Concentration

For your child to flourish in their academics, it’s vital that their concentration and productivity levels are at their highest. As your child exercises, their brain released endorphins, which make them feel happier and improve their mental focus. Once your child finds an activity or sport that they enjoy doing, you will notice a huge boost in their alertness and concentration which can help them excel in school and set them up for adulthood.

Manages Mood Swings

We were all children once, so if you were the type of child who threw tantrums, the last thing you want is for your kid to follow suit. Regular physical activity keeps your child occupied and entertained, which should calm your child down and control their mood swings.

Whether your child has a particular sport they love, or they enjoy being outdoors, there are tons of exercises and activities that your child can benefit from. To keep them motivated with exercise, you can join in on the fun too, which can serve as the perfect bonding opportunity.