
These Are The Best Ways To Detox (Without Dieting Or Juicing)

By Jessica Starks

June 01, 2017

When most people consider going on a detox, their focus is often on juicing. And while juicing can certainly be beneficial, what most people don’t realize is it’s not the only option out there. Juice cleanses may have some health benefits, but there are other, less stressful ways to detox.

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Here are a few ways to naturally detox your system that don’t involve any sort of dieting or juicing. Enjoy!

Enjoy A Steam

One simple and easy method of natural detoxification is to do like the Swedes and enjoy a good steam. Most modern gyms have a steam room or a sauna, and after a particularly gruelling workout, sometimes there’s nothing better than sitting, relaxing and sweating it out (no exertion required). Keeping those muscles heated for an extra half hour can help prevent soreness. Plus, it’s great workout motivation — it’s much easier to hit the gym if there’s a steam room or sauna treat in it at the end!

Take A Bath

Your body naturally makes an antioxidant called glutathione, which aids your liver in the filtering of the good and bad stuff in your body. However, thanks to stress, various ailments, and pollution that we come in contact with outside and around our general environments, our levels of the antioxidant can quickly be diminished. To fix this, all you have to do is run yourself a hot bath, sprinkle your bath with Epsom salts, and step in. Epsom salts have sulfur, which can help builds your glutathione back up.

Get Sweating

This second way to detox your system is also natural, but a bit more dirty — as a matter of fact, you could utilize this detox method just before you take a soak. Sweating has the ability to help you release toxins that are residing in your body fat. But you do not necessarily have to go outside and be active to make yourself. Saunas are another great resource to take advantage of if you are not really into being active for the time being. Make sure to check with your doctor and make sure you are healthy enough to handle a sauna first, though. Once you are cleared, start off sitting in the sauna for about five minutes a few times a week. You will eventually find yourself about to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, allowing yourself to detox your body two to three times a week! Just remember to stay hydrated!


Speaking of sweating, did you realize that exercise is an excellent way to naturally detoxify your body? When you work out, your blood starts pumping and flows to all of your internal organs. As blood flows, it also drops all necessary nutrients to keep these areas up and running and in prime condition. Simply getting in a 30-minute workout should do the trick.

Take Deep Breaths

Did you ever realize how important breathing is to detoxification? Breathing in oxygen is another way of taking in vitamins and nutrients and allowing yourself to exhale helps you eliminate bad stuff. This is one of the most natural and simple ways to detox, but many people do not realize it and do not take advantage of it like they really could. Simply sitting in a comfy spot and focusing on your breathing for five to 20 minutes will help you get well on your way to prime detoxification. Take in deep breaths while silently counting to five and exhale at the same number to start off will help you learn how to properly breathe to obtain your ultimate detox!

Drink Lots Of Water

You cannot talk about detoxing without mentioning water intake at least once. Water is kind of a big deal when it comes to cheap, organic, and simple ways to detox your body. If you are new to detox or are not a big fan of fasting, simply replacing your normal drinks with water when your enjoy your meals will do wonders. Water helps clean your system, which allows your skin to clear up and even help you lose weight.

Get A Massage

A Swedish or sports massage is an excellent way to achieve a deep detox. Massages that are deep, intense, and focused on hitting your pressure points will help you to release toxins from within your muscle tissue. This will also help to ward off some of those underlying things that were previously making you sick. Make sure to hire a licensed massage therapist that you can visit regularly. Also remember to drink water after your sessions — this will help to further flush out those toxins.

As you can see, there are actually a number of great and versatile ways to have a healthy body detox without having to resort to juicing! Regular practice of any of these methods will have you feeling and looking refreshed in no time! You do not have to participate in the methods every single day; it is okay to go to the sauna once a week or workout every other day. Any effort at detox will suffice, and your body will be thanking you for it as soon as you start!

