
Is It Genetics Or Discipline! What Is Yet Unknown To Improve Sexual Health?

By Cheif Editor

July 28, 2020

Why Is Health Priority Becoming So Much More Common Today Than It Was A Few Decades Ago?

Talking about health is just the tip of an iceberg. There have been tremendous shifts in our population over the past years, with better generations focusing on all areas of the human body for enhanced productivity. Be it physically, mentally, spiritually, sexually, or emotionally, you have to be healthy and active in all these areas to give your one hundred percent in the competitive world. For that matter, different types of techniques are followed by individuals to improvise their fitness.

Some people still consider talking about sex a taboo, which is understandable but not to the limit that it starts affecting one’s health. Good sexual health is the doorway to embrace your sexuality throughout our lives. A sexually healthy individual can build and maintain safe relationships; if you are sexually fit, you possess adequate knowledge to decide when to have a family.

How can you know about sexual health 

Science over decades has gifted us endless privileges that include various medical tests that help us to know the functions of our body in detail. Different types of tests such as urine, swabs, physical check, blood test are some of the ways to get a better inside about sexual health.

 Improving your sexual health

“Better health isn’t a destination, it’s a road without an end.”

Good health isn’t an outcome of a single step, and instead, it’s a by-product of several small steps. Let’s follow these steps one by one.


Work out is golden. You can benefit from different types of exercises: a healthy heart and balanced blood pressure aids in better sexual health. Exercise keeps you active, and regular exercise aids in bettering sexual performance by continuing a check on the blood pumping station of the body. It boosts your libido if followed a  routine of a minimum of 30-45 minutes in a day.


Communicating plays a vital role in overcoming sexual weaknesses. Sometimes due to shyness, one is unable to open up sexual conversation freely. Expression improves sexual experiences tremendously. Relationship issues outside the bedroom can also add to dissatisfying experiences. A partner may be able to ease such fears if provided a comfortable environment to speak and share. Suggestions from a partner work magically in freeing insecurities, tension or worry of their better half.


Stress and anxiety are common these days due to hectic work modules, round the clock shifts, fast life, and sometimes even pandemics like Coronavirus. A disturbed nervous system makes it even harder to maintain an erection. Meditation, yoga, better sleep, therapy sessions, engaging in your favorite hobby, and taking prescribed medications can help manage stress, thereby better sexual health.


Medical professionals well trained on such issues, and medication can be the next treatment option for many individuals. Timely medication accompanied by daily lifestyle changes can act as a boon in boosting your sexual health. Majorly through lifestyle changes, one can get rid of drugs eventually and maintain sexual health naturally as over medications leads to affect sexual satisfaction.


A significant reason for high blood pressure and heart diseases is smoking cigarettes. A recent study analysis shows that smoking cigarettes harms sexual performance. Quit smoking and improve your sexual functionality by reducing erectile dysfunction. Replacing bad habits with a healthy nutritional diet can work wonders. Add omega-3 fatty acids, Vit B-1, and some bananas to your routine and welcome better sexual health in your body.


Health is Wealth, but better sexual health is a doorway to better mental and emotional health. Different types of physical transformations in your body as you age also influence your sexuality. Decreasing hormonal levels or changes in circulatory function leads to erectile dysfunction or vaginal pain. Pay attention to all these factors and initiate steps towards better sexual health, thereby increasing confidence in your overall personality.