
Is Your Relationship Ruining Your Hockey Career?

By Mubeen Yaqoob

November 04, 2020

When two people meet for the first time, it may not be clear enough from the onset whether or not their goals are in sync. This is true for white-collar careers, as well as sports. Once a couple is celebrating a few weeks or months into their union, it may become clear that personal needs are to be revisited. Many couples may not have an inkling on the bone of contention. However, a few tips should guide you on how your partner should be a motivating factor in your career, as opposed to a hindrance. In this article, dating site Wivesgowild has shown that knowing the difference, and knowing what makes a relationship strong or weak can play a difference in achieving your goals.

Does Your Partner ask you to Skip Important Training Events?

A sporting career will undoubtedly require intense training exercises. Without these, your career may never take off. If you are in a relationship, your partner should be sensitive to your training needs – which means giving you ample time to train. More importantly, if they care for you, they may accompany you to the training grounds. If however, they never support your training needs and seem to anger every time you need to go for a session, they may be selfish. These are psychological traits you need to be aware of regarding your partner. Some couples use customized checklists before, and during their time as a couple. It helps put things into perspective, removing unnecessary tension.

Partner pulls you Away From Dreams Instead of towards them

If your partner keeps drawing you away from what you want to accomplish, ponder the idea that they may be envious of you. Ambition should be inherent in both parties, but partners should complement each other, offering their full supporting. If your partner admires your work and encourages you to move forward, possibly for a raise or owning your own business, they are a keeper. If, on the other hand, you are constantly met with ridicule as you pursue your goals, it may be time to reconsider the relationship. The relationship may be doomed from the start; therefore, you must have these conversations for much-needed insight on the type (if any) of emotional support your partner will bring to your union.

Arguing on Time Spent Working vs time spent with Each Other

Is your partner constantly arguing with you about how hard you are working and not spending enough time with them? This may be a red flag. Any man or woman in a relationship with someone they care about will be empathetic and reasonable regarding quality time. If your partner’s long-term goals match with yours, quality time will be allotted to make sure no one misses out on intimacy. When a partner is acting selfishly with their time, or they feel yours is not as important, it signifies a missing link between your needs and theirs. These are signs of a weak relationship. Such instances can only get worse. The couple should find time to discuss these matters before it all gets out of hand – especially when one needs to make time for practice.

Partner makes you Feel Guilty for Having your Own Life and Goal

You and your partner will have your personal goals to achieve. These goals may incorporate your partner, as well. This implies that you may include them somewhere in your ambitious and illustrious career, but you also have your objectives to be accomplished. A loving partner will not send you on a guilt trip because you seem to have a life of your own. This implies a co-dependency which is not good for any long-lasting relationship. They should support you in everything that you do – including the parts that seem to be more focused on developing the self. They may be more career-oriented and feel like you should be supporting them and not vice versa. However, you being a hockey player may not fit into their idea of a professional. They may deem your career choice as something unrealistic.

When selecting a partner, you may not be able to notice all or any of these aspects. However, it is important to take note of certain traits before you engage in a new relationship. Certain questions can be asked during an afternoon rendezvous, without a printed out and formal questionnaire. When it comes to your hockey career, it may be necessary to list some pertinent questions in a fun manner and brace yourself for the results. You could have a lifetime partner in your midst, or perhaps the union should be kept a friendship level.