
Medical Marijuana – Why You Should Know More About This Amazing Product

By Nicolas Rivera

June 26, 2019

Medical marijuana is trending. Many US states are opening up their regulations and laws, some taking complete U-turns in policy – simply to legalize cannabis and promote a healthy industry around it. The marijuana user base is diverse, from youngsters to the CEOs in their boardrooms, but the greatest breakthroughs have been in the field of healthy living.

So as cannabis makes a return to the mainstream, the narrative should be focused not on recreational uses (we all have that covered!) but in how medical marijuana can offer people peace and comfort in times of sickness.

Medical marijuana is available in many forms – the traditional dried form is what most of us are familiar with. However, you can also buy edibles, sprays, cannabis oils, creams and more.

Reasons Why Marijuana Edibles Are Good For You

Marijuana-infused foods are not just gags in a stoner flick – the edible forms of this wonder plant has many amazing benefits. From fighting side effects of life-threatening diseases to helping people with depression, the reasons to eat medical marijuana edibles are plenty. You can prepare many of the marijuana edibles yourself. Places like the Mission Organic Center – San Francisco Cannabis Dispensary also have a wide range of cannabis edibles. Check the dispensary too if you are too tired to cook.

It’s Not Just For The High

Let us begin by busting the first myth. Medical marijuana cookies will not recreate a comic scene from That Seventies Show in your life. In fact, a lot of healing comes from the non-psychoactive properties of medical cannabis.

As we all know, the cannabis is loaded with eight major cannabinoid acids including THCA and CBGA. However, THC is the main compound that causes the very popular and much-sought-after marijuana high but it only forms after the leaves have been exposed to light or heat.

The THCA,  a cannabinoid, gets converted to THC, the high-inducing component, once the cannabis is exposed to light and heat.  Unlike THC, THCA comes with anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. With California law allowing you to grow less than six marijuana plants, you can learn some recipes and enjoy the health benefits of raw, fresh cannabis leaves.

Cannabis Has Lots Of Nutrients

Medical Marijuana in food form should be treated like food because that is exactly what it is. Cannabis is loaded with essential nutrients. Just like many other leafy plants, raw cannabis has Vitamin K and Vitamin C, the latter very important for immune system health, while the former necessary for blood clotting.

Medical cannabis cookies will contain a decent amount of fiber, which will help you regulate bowel movements and maintain proper digestive health.

Medical Marijuana Has Many Anti-Oxidants

The best part about consuming medical marijuana in an edible form is that you don’t lose out on the multiple nutrients and beneficial compounds – something that happens when you smoke it. Medical marijuana has anti-oxidants, compounds that help prevent the formation of cancer cells by fighting harmful free radicals. The best way to get anti-oxidants is to have cookies, brownies or juice.

Marijuana Is Better Than Smoking

Let us face it – smoking has its share of side effects, even when you are not smoking tobacco. When you inhale hot smoke, you are slowly damaging your respiratory organs. We recommend dividing your medical marijuana dosage across the spectrum – if you cannot completely stop smoking it, reduce it a bit and replace the dosage with an edible product.

When you choose medical marijuana edibles, you avoid carcinogens. Another plus point with medical marijuana edibles is that if your product has psychoactive properties, they get manifested in a different manner because the THC is metabolized by the liver first.

Better Pain Relief

Eating medical marijuana cookies and brownies or adding cannabis as an ingredient to your food is the best way to utilize its pain-relieving properties. Eating trumps smoking because the pain relief experienced is longer and more localized. If you are munching on a high-quality medical marijuana edible product, you can experience pain relief for as long as six hours.

Control The Dosage

With the legalization of medical marijuana, you can finally expect some consistency in taste and dosage. There are many food products made from high-quality organic cannabis available in the market and they all follow stringent production methods. With proper labeling telling you how much cannabinoids, chemical compounds found in cannabis, you will be consuming, eating marijuana food products is no longer a lottery. You know exactly how much to consume.

A Discreet Way To Consume Marijuana

Let us admit it. Smoking  marijuana can be a little noticeable and is frowned upon in most places. Edibles, on the other hand, can be consumed in a more discreet manner and that keeps everyone comfortable. It also assures the consumer more flexibility – many patients who are undergoing marijuana treatments can now move around more freely knowing that they don’t need to search for a smoking zone when they have to have their dose.

How To Buy Medical Marijuana Products

If you are in states like California then you don’t have to look too far to find a well-stocked medical marijuana dispensary. Top dispensaries deal with organic products and provide delivery services seven days a week. To get started you need to fill up a simple online patient sign-up form. Check your state laws before you sign up for a medical marijuana delivery system. California regulations state that patients who need medical marijuana need to be at least 18 years old. Patients are also required to present the official recommendation from a physician. For recreational cannabis, one needs to be at least 21 years old and have a valid ID.

The legalization of marijuana has led to an explosion of top-quality artisan products in different forms from oil to cookies. Proponents of medical marijuana are celebrating the new-found place it has in the larger community as a product that heals rather than a demonized drug. From cancer to arthritis, there is a place for medical cannabis. Be responsible when you acquire your medical marijuana products. Find the combination that works for you. Stick to organic and certified medical marijuana and do not break the rules.