
Natural Ways to Treat an Overactive Bladder

By Nicolas Rivera

November 22, 2019

Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is a chronic and annoying problem. This condition could develop because of a number of reasons such as the use of certain medications or a urinary tract infection. This condition can make you embarrassed at home or work environment when you’ve had a few drinks and you feel uncomfortable about your inability to control your bladder. An expert Wildwood, FL urogynecologist can help you treat this condition by the use of alternative medicines as well as adjustment of daily habits. You should always consult with your doctors before taking other types of remedies such as herbal and supplements.

Adjusting Daily Habits

Although the first instinct, if you’re suffering from overactive bladder, is to cut back on fluids, doing so could actually make the problem worse. If you don’t drink enough fluids, your urine becomes over-concentrated, which could irritate the bladder. Ensure you drink about three to four glasses of non-irritating fluids per day such as low-acid fruits or water, and ask your physician for recommendations. Drink most of the fluids relatively early in the day to avoid frequently going to the bathroom at night. As you approach three to two hours before bedtime, cut back on how much you drink.

Avoid drinking alcohol or coffee. Caffeinated drinks such as energy drinks, soda, black tea or coffee may put stress on your bladder and worsen your symptoms. Additionally, alcohol will make you go to the bathroom frequently. Drink water or herbal tea instead. Ensure you have water close to you by bringing a water bottle. You can sip herbal tea throughout the day to keep your body hydrated, and not overwhelm your bladder. Avoid substances that can make your bladder issue worse, such as tobacco products or artificial sweeteners. Steer clear of diuretic herbs such as horsetail, dandelions, and nettles.

Alternative Medicine

Get acupuncture. This technique uses special needles placed on certain parts of your body to release tension and stress in that area. According to numerous scientific studies, acupuncture can help you gain control of your bladder, thereby reducing the frequency of urination. To ensure you get a safe treatment, always see a certified and reputable acupuncturist to ensure an effective and safe treatment. Your doctor can also recommend a great acupuncturist if you speak with them about your plans.

Biofeedback is a treatment that uses electric sensors to monitor your pelvic muscles and help you figure out where you have the bladder issues. You can then use this information to make the necessary adjustments. The treatment is usually done by a physical therapist. However, it can be quite expensive thus ensure the treatment is covered by your medical insurance. Lastly, do pelvic floor therapy, which will help strengthen your pelvic floor and treat an overactive bladder.

Herbal Remedies

Talk to your doctor first before using any herbal medicine. They will help assess their safety since herbal treatments have no guarantee of achieving positive results. Several herbal treatments have worked in the past, but your doctor will need to consider it first and maybe recommend one to you. He or she will know which medical issues you have that may clash with the herbal remedies. For the best results, you can combine several herbal treatments. Some of the common herbal remedies used to treat overactive bladder include Buchu, Hachi-mi-jio-gan, and Gosha-jinki-gan. Verify the seller of the herbal medicines.