
What’s A Longan Fruit? Learn More About Lychee’s Superfood Cousin

By Jennifer Elliot

June 01, 2017

The lychee and longan may look similar, but they’re rather different in flavour. Also known as the “dragon’s eyeball’ and “slave of the lychee,” longan fruit is native to Southern China and is widely used in oriental medicine for heart health, anti-aging, improved eye function, glowing skin, to alleviate stress and boost sexual drive.

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This succulent fruit is sweet and yields many other health benefits. Longans are eaten fresh, however, it is said to taste even better when cooked.

Benefits Of Longan

Longan fruit can be consumed raw, dried and even frozen. Regardless of in which form it is eaten, its health benefits are many.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a vital role in keeping us immune to many diseases and just a half cup of longan fruit packs enough nutrition to fill up our daily requirement of this vitamin.


Want to get rid of cancer-causing free radicals? Try the longan, as it is rich inantioxidants that fight against free radicals. Logan fruit also combats chronic inflammation, heart diseases and assists in healing wounds. Moreover, it rejuvenates blood circulation as well.

Glowing Skin

Longan fruit is believed to be greatly beneficial for the skin, with its anti-aging properties. It minimizes cracking and near the eyes, so it’s especially great for crow’s feet. Eat longan to add shine, suppleness and lustre to your skin.


Longan is known to work wonders for problems of nervousness and anxiety. It’s often used as an anti-depressant, believed too soothe nerves and enhancing the overall nerve function. It is also known to lower fatigue and irritability. Have difficulty falling asleep? Try eating longon. A dried longan fruit is believed to aid in insomnia.

Low-Calorie Snack

Cut down on calories and shave off on fat and control food cravings with longan. With its complex contents of carbohydrates, your energy levels are raised, reducing food cravings and enhancing your stamina. Just a half cup of longan yields 35 calories.

Longan Fruit Nutrition

The longan fruit is rich in minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients. Following are the minerals and vitamins present in this juicy fruit:


This pulpy fruit is now cultivated in various parts of the world including Sri Lanka, Southeast  Asia, South India and South China. In the United States it is grown in Southern Florida, Hawaii and California. The remains of Longan (seeds, rind) are used for fuel, furniture and shampoo. Get adventurous and try a longan fruit for your next fruit salad.