
7 Natural Home Remedies For Gas And Bloating

By George Ponting

March 22, 2017

Bloating (also known as water retention or edema) is an uncomfortable nuisance that happens to just about everyone. However, certain diets are more susceptible to bloat than others. Eating processed foods that are high in carbohydrates, fibre and sodium can exacerbate the problem, along with other, naturally-known bloaters such as cabbage, grapes, plums, beans and peas.

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Fizzy drinks, alcohol, and poor hydration may be also to blame, but what do you do when you’re feeling puffy and need relief, like, now?

Also Read: Proof That Even Fitness Models Deal With Bloat

Aside from preventing bloating in the first place, there are several herbal remedies you can turn to that may help relieve your symptoms. The best part? They may already be in your kitchen pantry.

Soothe your tummy troubles and get relief with these natural remedies for stomach gas and bloating.

1. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are natural tummy tamers and can help soothe your digestive tract. If you’re feeling bloated, sprinkle some fennel seeds into your meal or drink them in a smoothie for fast relief. You can also make a tummy-soothing tea from fennel seeds as well.

2. Caraway Seeds

Another option to cure your bloat is caraway seeds. Just a small pinch of these wonderous little seeds will do the trick. Quite similar to fennel seeds, caraway seeds help alleviate stomach discomfort, belching and cramping. Eat it in porridge or saukerkraut, or make a cup of warm tea, to enjoy its soothing effects.

3. Mint

Mint is famous for its ability to promote digestion, and can help relieve cramps and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Chew on some peppermint leaves, infuse them in a jug of ice-water or sip on a hot cup of peppermint tea to soothe your irritable bowel and ease digestive issues. Choose organic, unprocessed mint wherever possible.

4. Ginger

One of the best remedies to cure stomach discomfort is ginger — that’s why your mother always got you ginger ale when you had a tummy ache. Drinking ginger tea and eating fresh ginger root can help ease digestive distress. Add some organic ginger to your meals to help prevent bloating (plus, it tastes delicious!) or place a chunk of ginger in the boiling water in 10 minutes, then squeeze some lemon for a natural ginger remedy.

5. Cinnamon

Though cinnamon is famous for its delicious aromatic flavour, it also works as a natural herbal remedy to cure a disturbed digestive tract. Enjoy cinnamon in your tea or sprinkled on a baked apple to help ease tummy troubles.

6. Parsley

Fresh parsley is excellent in Italian and seafood dishes, while cream cheese, garlic, artichoke hearts, olives, green onions, sun-dried tomatoes, parsley and chives all converge to make a rich and colourful appetizer. Eat it fresh or dried to help combat stomach cramps before they start.

7. Dandelion

This pesky little weed has several health benefits, one of which is relieving bloating and gas. Enjoy dandelion tea extracted from the herb or you can also add it as a dried spice to your food as a bonus.