
Top 5 Healthiest Nutrition Bars (That Taste Good Too)

By Caleb Palmquist

April 18, 2017

You always have time to to grab breakfast before heading out the door, let alone to prepare and pack a post-workout snack. At those times, a good nutrition bar can be a lifesaver.

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However, not all nutrition bars are created equal. There are many choices out there, so it’s not always easy to pick the right one. You want something that tastes great, has optimal nutrition and can help you maintain or reach your weight loss goals.

Below are five of the best bars you can keep with you for a healthy snack when you’re in a hurry or on the go.

1. Clif Bars

Packed with protein and dietary fibre, Clif bars are a great choice for a morning snack or refueling during the day. For a low-sugar option, pick the Cool Mint Chocolate flavor. The Clif Bar was invented by Gary Erickson when he went on a 175-mile bike ride and brought a variety of energy bars with him. He didn’t like any of them, so he spent the next two years experimenting until he came up with the recipe for the Clif Bar, which is named after his dad, Clifford. His hard work was well worth it: the Clif Bar is perfect for outdoor outings or as a meal replacement.

2. Odwalla Bars

Odwalla Bars are low in saturated fat, and have a good amount of dietary fibre and protein. The lowest-sugar flavour is Peanut Crunch. The Odwalla company began as a fruit juice company that started in Santa Cruz, California in 1980. The name of the company is inspired by a character in a poem who helped guide “the people of the sun” out of a haze, which is appropriate for the way an Odwalla Bar can help you wake up from a haze in the morning.

3. Power Bar Harvest

This bar has a very high protein content and good fibre. The Cherry Crunch flavour is low in sugar and saturated fat. The PowerBar company was founded in part by Brian Maxwell, who was a professional athlete, and Jennifer Biddulph, a nutritionist, so you know you are getting a bar created by health experts.

4. Kashi Go Lean

Kashi Go Lean bars have whole grains, bran, and soy, so they have lots of fibre and protein. They also have a high sugar content, so you’ll want to skip them if you are on a low-sugar diet. The founders of Kashi, Philip and Gayle Tauber, set out to make a bar that could substitute as a nutritionally-balanced breakfast. They succeeded: Kashi Go Lean bars are packed with nutrients, and they taste great too.

5. Luna Bars

While Luna bars have a high protein level, they don’t have much fibre. Try the Nutz Over Chocolate variety for a low-calorie bar that is packed with protein and low in sugar. Luna bars are actually made by the Clif Bar company, so you can expect the same level of quality. It was actually the first nutrition bar to be specifically made for women.

