
Possible Causes and Treatments for Neck Pain

By Nicolas Rivera

December 07, 2019

The neck is comprised of the vertebrae that run to the upper torso from the skull. It has cervical discs that are made in such a way that they can absorb shock between the bones. The bones, the muscles, and the ligaments of the neck are responsible for providing the head with support and facilitating motion. Therefore, any injuries, inflammation, or abnormalities in these components of the neck can lead to neck pain and even stiffness. Many people suffer from neck pain due to overuse, poor posture, and poor sleeping position. In most cases, neck pain is not a serious issue, and it can go away within a few days. However, in other cases, it can indicate a serious illness or injury. Therefore, you may have to see a sports medicine physician, such as Dr. Steven Ferrer, for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can occur due to a number of reasons. Some common causes of neck pain include:

It is imperative for you to seek immediate attention of a doctor:

Neck pain Treatment

Treatment for neck pain usually depends on the diagnosis. Therefore, your doctor will first take your medical history and conduct a physical exam. As such, you should be prepared to give your doctor information about the specific symptoms that you have and any medication or supplements that you have been taking. Even if it may seem irrelevant, you may also have to tell your doctor about any recent accidents or injuries that you have sustained. Your doctor may also perform blood tests and even imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans. Depending on the results, there are several treatments that your doctor can recommend, Including:

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that although neck pain is not a serious issue in most cases, it can indicate a serious illness or injuries in some cases. Therefore, if you are suffering from neck pain, it is imperative for you to seek the assistance of a sports medicine practitioner for diagnosis and treatment. If you are looking for a dependable sports medicine practitioner in Ramsey, NJ, Progressive Spine & Sports Medicine is a great facility to visit.