
Red Wine V.S White Wine: Which Is Healthier?

By Nicolas Rivera

June 10, 2019

Maintaining proper health and wellness is the number one factor that we should consider to have a balanced lifestyle. In fact, some people are even working on doing healthy meal plans and exercise regularly in order to achieve good health. Some are also taking food supplements and foods that had high-calorie content to avoid gaining weight.

This is always true especially to those people who’d like to maintain and fit and fab body aesthetics. But, being healthy doesn’t only stop in doing a daily exercise and picking the right kind of food. Actually, a positive environment and a happier mood can also help to maintain perfect wellness. One way to achieve that is by people drinking their favorite glass of alcoholic beverages.

In fact, alcoholic beverages are good for the body since it activates our thoughts, minds, and emotions; however, it should only be consumed in moderation. Take note that taking too much alcohol is bad for your health. In line with that, one of the most popular alcoholic drinks that earn a massive debate from all its consumers of which is better for one’s health is between the red wine and white wine.

Actually, wines have are a staple drink that we usually see in one’s table on any given occasion. The variety of wines has given every consumer the opportunity to pick the flavors they want to drink to maintain a healthier lifestyle. On the other hand, it is also true that the debate still continues if which is better for one’s health.

Hence, in this article, we’d like to give you some insights to help you open up your minds in verifying whether red wine is healthier than a white wine or it’s the other way around. Ideally, all wines like Brewer-Clifton Chardonnay Santa Rita Hills is crafted intricately from the most exquisite elements that ever vineyard has. Though all wines are produced from grapes which is the common ingredient, there are still other contributing factors that affect the health benefits we can get from these bottle of wines.

The Making Process of White Wines and Red Wines

As mentioned, grapes are a common ingredient that is used to produce a perfect bottle of red wine and white wine. Red wines are manufactured from black and red grapes while the white wines are coming from white or green grapes. The only thing that makes them distinct from each other is the way how they are processed.

Red wines are being formed by crushing the dark grapes and undergoes fermentation inside the oak barrels in a specific timeframe. The longer the aging process, the sweeter the red wine would look like. While on the other hand, white wines are produced by removing the seeds and skin of white grapes. They are mixed with yeast and the aging process is done through stainless steel barrels.

The Health Benefits of Red Wine and White Wine

Talking about the overall health benefits that these wine can give to our body, both of these wines contribute a lot but one wine really stood out because it has more health benefits compared to the other one. This is because both wines undergo post-fermentation process and this is where they specifically differ.

The biggest positive contribution of white wines to our health is that it lowers the risk of heart diseases. On the other hand, red wines have numerous antioxidants that prevent blood clots and protects our blood vessels. These antioxidants are called resveratrol which decreases every bad cholesterol which helps in regulating the excellent flow of our blood pressure.

Furthermore, red wines also contain polyphenols compared to white wines and this ingredient is responsible for maintaining youthful and glowing skin. When you consume around one or two glasses of red wine daily, you are making sure that you get rid of toxins inside your body ensuring a younger and fairer looking appearance.

While red wines have all these beneficial elements you can found, white wines contain fewer calories. A glass of white wine only contains 121 calories compared to a red wine that has around 130 calories. Take note that the lower the calorie content the wine has, you are also lowering the risk of developing more harmful fats in your body.

Moreover, white wines have lower silicon compared to red wines. Silicon is responsible for increasing the density of bones which means it prevents the development of osteoporosis. This is also the main reason why some health experts would recommend to consume one or two glasses of red wine daily.

Technically, with all the facts given above, you can conclude that red wine is better and healthier than white wine. On the other hand, it also does not mean that white wines are harmful. Both of these wines are good and the only thing you need to bear in mind is to drink moderately because too much consumption of both red wines and white wines or any alcoholic drink is bad for your health.