
Restore Your Confidence With Breast Reduction Surgery

By Cheif Editor

September 10, 2020

Quite a few variables can impact your breast tissue, and there may come a point when it feels as if your breasts are too large for your body. When too much breast tissue accumulates, it can have a major impact on a woman’s confidence as well as her overall comfort. If you feel as if your breasts are drawing unwanted attention or resulting in physical discomfort, then you might be an ideal candidate for the breast reduction procedure.

Who Is This Procedure For?

There are many different reasons why a patient might want to undergo a breast reduction operation. For some patients, oversized breasts can become a major health problem that leads to constant discomfort. Over the course of a few years, you might begin to develop chronic issues ranging from back pain to constant chafing from your bra straps. Enlarged breasts can also make some women uncomfortable because of unwanted attention. With breast reduction surgery, your surgeon will be able to remove all of that excess tissue. They can also contour your breasts to create a more contoured and perkier bustline.

A Look at the Average Breast Reduction Operation

Breast reduction operations typically follow the same few steps, and this surgery usually takes between two and three hours to complete. At the outpatient center, you will be taken to a private room where a medical professional can sanitize the treatment site and administer an anesthetic. In most cases, this operation is carried out with a general anesthetic that allows the patient to remain completely asleep throughout the procedure.

After the patient is asleep, the surgeon will make one small incision just below each of the areolas. They can then begin the process of removing excess skin and fatty tissue to create a perkier and more balanced appearance. Some patients are also good candidates for “scarless” breast reduction procedures that use liposuction to remove the excess tissue. That procedure is an excellent option for younger patients who have dense tissue in the breasts.

Your Recovery

To learn more about the results of this procedure, you will need to take a quick look at some breast reduction before and after pictures and contact a cosmetic surgeon who has quite a bit of experience carrying out this procedure. In most cases, patients are going to experience some discoloration, swelling, and soreness following the operation. You will be given a prescription that will help you manage the pain, and the discoloration should completely disappear within three or four weeks.

Following your operation, it is going to feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. In addition to improving your overall comfort, your surgery is also going to boost your self-image and help you feel confident in your own skin.