
Should You Use CBD in your Workout Recovery?

By Cheif Editor

July 23, 2020

 In this age where there are a dizzying number of health supplements available for fitness enthusiasts, it gets hard separating the facts from the hype. If you are considering adding CBD oil to your post-workout recovery routine, this information can help you decide whether CBD oil is the right addition to your fitness regimen. 

As all fitness and health buffs know, there are a number of sensations you may encounter after a workout, most notably pain and soreness. This happens because the exertion of your workout puts the body under physical stress. This stress, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT), causes micro-damage to the muscles, which in turn triggers inflammation that results in muscle fatigue and aches. 

Whether you are an athlete in training, a gym rat, or just “not as young as you used to be”, thanks to Cannabidiol (CBD), muscle recovery doesn’t have to be quite as long and painful anymore. Studies have shown that CBD from a tested high-quality source can assist in reducing inflammation in the body, as well as improve mobility and pain in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. CBD is said to be anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective. 

Including both marijuana and industrial hemp, CBD is one of more than 100 chemical compounds that are found in the cannabis plant. While it is a close cousin to THC, (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the chemical compound found in marijuana that causes the psychoactive effect, CBD doesn’t get you high. 

So how can CBD oil help you recover from your workout more effectively? The answer can be found in CBD oil’s role in the endocannabinoid system and how cannabidiol (CBD) impacts specific hormones and neurotransmitters in the body. 

Benefits of using CBD in your Post Workout Recovery

CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plants and is one of the many cannabinoids that have been found to work in tandem with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Because CBD oil is readily absorbed and low risk, a growing number of people are using it not just as a part of their post-workout recovery routine, but to potentially help combat a range of other chronic illnesses and diseases

Initially, most people think about using the muscle recovery properties of CBD as a post-workout supplement, however, many have found that taking CBD before they hit the court, the gym, pool or field improves their concentration and gives a natural boost to their performance. This pre-workout dose also provides a base for post-exercise CBD, if you choose to utilize it in this way. When taking a CBD pre-workout dose, one should make sure to leave enough time for the compound to stimulate the native cannabidiols in the body’s system. 

With many added benefits being discovered all the time, the research into CBD oil is unearthing exciting potential for this natural compound. Let’s dive into the many ways that that CBD oil can help you in your post-workout recovery routine. 

CBD for Inflammation and Pain

A good workout puts your muscles and joints through a great deal of stress, resulting in pain and inflammation. For almost everybody, this is an unavoidable part of having a fit lifestyle. Adding CBD oil to your post-workout can help reduce inflammation. You can read more about CBD and muscle pain in this CBD oil guide from Kyro.

The human endocannabinoid system has two types of cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. CBD oil is believed to predominantly impact the CB2 receptors which are mainly present in the central nervous system. CBD oil’s indirect effect on CB2 receptors plays a large role in the immune system, regulating both inflammation and pain. 

Several studies have shown how cannabis is useful in reducing pain during a sort of short and long-term condition, a number of which can correlate with the pain experienced after a high-intensity workout. A 2017 study also showed that cannabis is a viable option in treating joint pain, which is an often overlooked but major after-effect of exercise. 

Another study showed how CBD affects glycine receptors, which play a role in the perception of pain. CBD oil’s activation of these receptors decreases inflammatory pain, further highlighting cannabidiol’s extensive role in the regulation of inflammation in the body. 

CBD for Stress Response 

CBD has been found to help ease anxiety. Some competitors have taken that to mean that CBD may have the potential to help them focus before a tough workout or an even tougher race. According to a study, participants who were administered CBD reported a reduced blood pressure response to stress. 

CBD Oil for Muscle Recovery

For most people, an effective post-workout routine means taking rest days, getting enough sleep, and eating muscle-building proteins. While all these are important practices, adding CBD oil to the mix may help enhance and speed up the recovery process. 

When the body goes through an intense workout, it produces cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone, and it reduces protein synthesis and may even prevent the growth of new tissue.  After an intense and long workout, a large release of cortisol would inhibit new muscle growth and might even increase the amount of fat stored in the body. 

CBD oil is an anti-catabolic and it regulates how much cortisol is released into the system. By reducing the level of cortisol in your body post-workout, CBD oil encourages muscle regeneration by allowing protein synthesis. 

CBD Oil to Improve Post-Workout sleep

One of the most important elements of post-workout recovery is, of course, sleep. When you are asleep, your body does a lot to grow and repair your muscles. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, CBD oil may help. Whether you work out late at night, or experience stress and anxiety from the pressures of everyday life, it is most likely cortisol that’s keeping you awake. 

CBD oil can benefit you in two ways. Not only can it regulate cortisol levels and assist you to nod off faster, but a study showed how CBD consumption also reduced the symptoms of paradoxical sleep behavior disorder in participants with Parkinson’s disease. Reaching the REM cycle of sleep is crucial to a successful post-workout routine, as it provides optimal conditions for muscle repair and building.

Just like you would with any other type of health issue, discuss CBD with your doctor before trying anything. Studies show that CBD can be effective as a part of your regimen to aid in muscle recovery as well as provide a host of other benefits for your mental and physical health and overall well-being.