
Summary of the Surrogacy Process

By Nicolas Rivera

December 18, 2019


We all dream of starting a family at some point in our lives. However, not all of us get that dream family as we had imagined. You go to the hospital and realize that you have infertility issues. You have a low sperm count, or your uterus or fallopian tubes don’t work correctly. It breaks your heart and shatters your dreams of having children. However, that has changed over the years with the introduction of surrogacy. It has allowed those struggling with infertility to have a family despite their difficulties. Surrogacy serves as a second chance to having that family you wished. New York City surrogacy works with couples to provide opportunities to have the family you wanted. You can also seek to understand more about infertility and your options besides surrogacy.

Types of Surrogacy

The primary categories of surrogacy entail traditional and gestational surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy involved the identification of a surrogate mother and the consequent insemination of sperm from the father or another anonymous person. The child carries the genes of the surrogate mother who provides the egg and the anonymous donor or father who supplies the sperm. Gestational surrogacy extracts an egg from the mother or an anonymous donor and matches it with sperm from an anonymous donor or father. The surrogate mother then receives the fertilized egg, and the embryo develops in her uterus to term. The child bears the genes of the mother and father or anonymous donors but not that of the surrogate mother. Traditional surrogacy carries more restrictive measures due to the parental rights associated with the father of the child and the surrogate mother due to custodial rights.

Surrogate Matching

Getting a surrogate can become a daunting task, let alone the whole process of surrogacy. The most preferred would include getting a close family volunteer. However, if that fails, then you can engage the services of surrogacy agencies to help you get a match. Expect to pay high fees for the process and ensure that you read the terms and conditions of the process. It includes the screening process to ensure you get the perfect match for you. It is prudent to engage a legal practitioner to oversee the contract between all the parties involved, including the surrogacy agencies, to cover any eventualities. Trace a surrogate couple who tried the process and hear how their experience punned out as a case study of what to expect and the pitfall to avoid.

How to Qualify as a Surrogate

Surrogacy agencies have a checklist of qualifying factors that help them screen surrogates. Some of the essential requirements include having a stable life financially and independence from alcohol, smoking, and other drugs. They also consider the physical and mental health of possible surrogates before admission into the program. Fertility checks require that the potential candidate should have experienced a successful full-term pregnancy. They also consider age factors, although the age limit differs from one agency to another. The egg or sperm donors also undergo similar checks to match the surrogate that you accept for the surrogacy services. It also requires that you engage the services of agencies that specialize in screening candidates and providing you with the best options. However, always chose to remain actively involved throughout the whole process. It ensures that you screen and understand all policies and obligations, terms, and conditions included in the process.