
The Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine

By Nicolas Rivera

October 28, 2019

The purpose of naturopathic medicine is to identify and remove obstacles to cure the patient. The body can heal and move toward optimal health when underlying disorders are treated, and the body is repaired to its normal function by enhancing the body’s healing abilities.

Naturopathic practitioners specialize in natural medicine. To become a doctor of naturopathic medicine, practitioners need to complete a four-year degree from a medical college in conventional medical sciences and natural therapeutics, which includes therapies from the science of clinical nutrition, exercise therapy, lifestyle counseling, botanical medicines, homeopathy, physical medicine, and hydrotherapy.

Sometimes naturopathic medicine is sought out for treating conditions such as fatigue, pain, sleep disturbance, and digestive disorders. Naturopathic physicians develop a plan for treatment that includes botanical medicine, nutritional supplements, and diet analysis.  Naturopathic practitioners take the time to listen to a patient’s story to grasp an understanding of their illness. Some naturopathic medicine benefits are that naturopathic practitioners can translate a patient’s medical history and assign several natural options that can help them fix their issues. Naturopathic practitioners also take their time to answer patients’ questions.

There are several significant advantages to naturopathic medicine, such as:

Health Promotion

Health promotion is the focus of naturopathic medicine, and understanding the body has an inherent ability to heal the problem by identifying and removing obstacles to cure the body.

Disease Prevention

Naturopathic doctors work with you to identify the primary reasons for disease and to forward all the factors that are distressing a patient’s health to get a clearer picture of the prevention of the progression of the disease.

Treatment of Illnesses

Naturopathic practitioners are trained to treat all health concerns from physical to psychological and work with three primary groups of people: patients that are inquiring about disease prevention and health promotion, patients with a variety of health concerns, and no well-defined diagnosis, and patients with continuing and severe illnesses.

Customized Treatment

Practitioners of naturopathy customize treatments to fit each patient. Naturopathic treatments are individualized based on the patient’s history, genetics, dietary habits, lifestyle, and associated health concerns. The healing plan developed by naturopathic practitioners involves keeping the patients in their health program to make it more effective, to educate them, and to have a say in self-care decisions to help put a stop to health issues in the future.

Working with Standard Medicine

Naturopathic doctors are trained to refer patients to other health care professionals when appropriate. Most naturopathic practitioners cross-refer extensively with medical professionals.

Safe and Efficient Treatment

The purpose of naturopathic practice is to treat underlying disorders and restore the body to normal functions by enhancing the bodies healing abilities. Naturopathic doctors concentrate their efforts on understanding the needs of every patient. Patients are involved in their treatment plans.

Research into natural therapies is a principal focus for naturopathic doctors, evaluating the effectiveness of naturopathic treatment protocols are being used in the study both at naturopathic medical schools and in the offices of practicing naturopathic practitioners.


The cost-effectiveness of naturopathy medicine has demonstrated the savings that can be realized by patients, insurance companies, and the health care system. Naturopathy medicine can contribute to resolving the costly epidemic of chronic disease.


Various naturopathy therapies that have been developed out of a history of use and have been through scientific research. Herbs, for example, have been used for centuries. Current research shows the correlation between health concerns, diet, and stress. Continued research supports growth in scientific findings for naturopathic medicine.

In Conclusion

The body can adapt allowing it to function, even with a disease, and we often are not aware that this is happening. Multiple factors can lead to infection, such as poor dietary choices, chronic stress, lack of proper sleep and exercise. Experiencing symptoms is the body’s way of trying to let us know that our health requires being examined. Some symptoms to be aware of are chronic headaches, low energy, concentration, moods, sleep problems, weight gain, gas and bloating, trouble with bowel movements, severe PMS, joint pain, and a weak immune system.

Visiting a naturopathic practitioner can benefit someone looking to control their health. Naturopathic medicine along with a treatment involving the patient can improve a person’s health.