
The Benefits of Organic Foods

By Nicolas Rivera

September 11, 2019

Back in the day, organic food didn’t have any fancy labels on it. It wasn’t something you could pick up at the grocery store, either.

You grew it yourself, in your own backyard. There were no stickers on it, no certifications. It was simply known as “food.”

You knew you were eating organic because you grew it yourself, with your own two hands, on your own property. Or you bartered with your neighbors for their food and traded your own goods in exchange.

It was so simple, so nice. What happened?

These days, though, food has gotten so complicated. You have to squint at food labels to determine if you’re actually getting organic food.

It can also be challenging to try to find organic foods at the store, especially when the so-called “conventional” foods (nonorganic) are competing for your attention. With their fancy labels, brightly colored packaging, and so-called health claims, they can be hard to ignore.

The thing is, yes, eating organic can be tricky. But when you adhere to an organic lifestyle, it’s oh so very worth it!

Nonorganic foods just don’t compare. Period.

If you’ve been thinking about eating organic foods, but you’re still not sure if you’re ready to make the switch, then keep reading. These three reasons to go organic just may change your mind!

1) Organic Foods Are Better for You

If there was ever a compelling argument for eating organic foods, it’s because it’s the healthy thing to do.

Many so-called experts will try to push nonorganic foods on you, arguing that they’re just as good as their organic counterparts. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Organic foods are significantly better for you.

For instance, organic produce is required to be grown with only organic pesticides and biological fertilizers. These foods must be in compliance with the National Organic Program (NOP), which sets the standards for organic commodities.

That means that these foods, when you eat them, won’t have the same toxic byproducts that you’d find on nonorganic foods.

Organic foods also aren’t allowed to contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Again, while some people argue that GMOs are safe, research has indicated otherwise.

GMOs are more likely to contain toxic compounds that can lead to cancer, reproductive risks, and even a compromised immune system.

If you’re thinking about your health, organic eating is the way to go. Without a doubt, eating organic lowers toxin levels in your body.

Finally, it has been proven that eating organic will not only protect you from these dangerous toxins, but they’ll benefit you, too.

Organic foods are significantly higher in important nutrients and antioxidants, which means you’ll be much healthier in the long run when you eat them.

When you look at it like that, eating organic is just a smarter, safer decision overall.

2) Organic Foods Are Better for the Environment

Your health isn’t the only reason to switch to organic, either.

Eating organic foods is much better for the environment, too. Pollution from nonorganic farming is a serious problem, and it’s causing lasting damage to the planet.

One important consideration is nutrient pollution. This can be caused by an excess of nitrogen being dumped into water, causing harmful algal blooms.

These algae can harm not only the fish and the water – but it can also be very dangerous to humans.

Fortunately, organic farming is working to offset this damage. When organic practices are used, the impact on the environment is greatly reduced.

Switching to organic farming practices has also had other environmental benefits. Studies have shown that organic farming leads to reduced air pollution and a lower impact on climate change.

It also promotes better biodiversity and less water and soil pollution.

By choosing organic, therefore, you’re choosing to protect and preserve the earth!

3) Organic Foods Are More Humane

One of the biggest impacts on making the switch to organic is not just for your sake, nor exclusively for the sake of the environment.

Organic farming practices are also much better for animals, too.

It’s no secret how cruel and inhumane conventional farming practices are. Not only do they harm animals, but they can also be very harmful to people.

Choosing organic food means that you’re putting the wellbeing of animals before mass-produced, inhumane food.

Organic agricultural practices require a few things to help ensure that the animals are not only treated well but that you’re safe, too.

They require that the livestock are given certain rights. These are very simple things, but for the animals in question, they make a huge difference.

These can include making sure they are allowed to roam around a pasture, not cooped up in a pen all day. They’re allowed access to sunshine and shade. They get clean water and fresh food.

And their food must pass mandatory expectations, too. No animal by-products are allowed in their feed.

What does this mean for you? You’ll be less exposed to certain health hazards, such as mad-cow disease.

Caring about the welfare of animals doesn’t mean that you have to give up your favorite foods, though. You can still enjoy a burger every once in a while if you feel like it.

It just means that you’re putting the needs of these innocent animals over choosing a nonorganic, inhumanely produced fast-food burger.

It’s just the right thing to do.

Getting Started on Choosing Organic Foods

Now that you know why organic foods are vastly superior to their nonorganic, “conventional” counterparts, how can you get started on eating organic?

It’s not a change that’ll happen overnight. But, by consciously making better choices at the store or the farmer’s market, you can slowly take steps toward eating better.

Without a doubt, organic eating is a much better choice.

Even more importantly, you’ll be eating better not just for yourself, but for the welfare of the planet and for the animals impacted by nonorganic farming practices.

If you’re looking to start eating organic, start small. Shop at local markets and get to know where your food comes from.

If you’ve got questions, ask them. Local farmers love sharing more about their work!

Avoid the dirty dozen, too, as they tend to have the highest levels of toxins on them. These foods, which have extremely high levels of pesticides, include spinach, kale, strawberries, and grapes.

Finally, be choosy about what you put in your body. It’s the only one you have, after all.

By eating organic, you’ll start to feel better. Not just physically, but in your conscience too!

Because feeling good about your eating choices – for both your health and for the bigger picture – truly is what organic eating is all about.