
The Dangerous Storm of Weight Gain & Severe COVID

By Mubeen Yaqoob

October 07, 2020

People tend to put on more weight moving into winter as it becomes harder to exercise during the colder months of the year along with people eating more food and indulging around Christmas. Given the current situation, this could be problematic and people need to take action to maintain a healthy weight this winter and beyond.

Weight Issues & COVID-19

Almost a third of people put on weight as a result of lockdown making it harder to get outside and be active coupled with the fact that many indulged as a way to look after their mental health. Weight gain can be problematic at any time and increase the chance of serious health issues like Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancers and strokes but there are also clear links between obesity and severe cases of COVID-19.

Slimming Season

Since lockdown restrictions were eased in Mid-May, the country entered what is often called slimming season where people look to lose weight and increase exercise which is much easier when the weather is warmer, dryer and more predictable. People did manage to take advantage of this over the last few months with many taking up activities like running, cycling and walking with some returning to gyms, but there is now concern heading into the winter months and especially with concerns over a second wave and restrictions coming back into place.

Losing Weight

Regular exercise and a healthy diet is, of course, essential in terms of losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Many people have also turned to weight loss surgery this year which is no surprise when you see the stark warnings of obesity and severe COVID-19 cases. George Hamlyn Williams, Principle Dietitian at Transform Hospital Group said: “Over the past three months, we’ve seen 26 per cent more enquiries about elective weight loss surgery and interventions – that’s a big spike.”

A Smart Solution

Weight loss surgery and procedures like a tummy tuck can certainly help to improve people’s physical and mental health in such a key time and is something that should certainly be considered. It is going to be a tough few months ahead and it could be difficult to get a good amount of exercise, so it is understandable that those that are obese are worried about a second wave and seeking solutions.

The coronavirus and lockdown has led many people to put on weight this year which could be dangerous in terms of both COVID-19 and the typically associated health issues with obesity which means that people need to find ways to exercise and reach a healthy weight in the coming months.