
The Influence of Vitamin Deficiency on Cognitive Skills

By Nicolas Rivera

October 18, 2019

Discussions about the usefulness of vitamins have been happening for the last several decades, getting more urgent and heated. Some people claim that the value of vitamins is overestimated and that there is no conclusive evidence proving their positive influence on the brain as well as the cognitive functions of a person. At the same time, the authoritative research states that while not all vitamins have proven value, the lack of vitamin C, for instance, damages cognitive skills and brain development.

But what about other vitamins? The majority of people are interested in knowing these answers. Parents worry about the development of their children. Older adults hope to boost their critical thinking skills. Students are often asked to research this topic but remain frustrated with the number of materials they must explore, which is why they ask professionals, “Could you write my essay?” Fortunately, there’s enough evidence to provide clear answers for everyone.

Vitamin Deficiency and Dangers Connected to It

As a concept, vitamin deficiency means the lack of vitamins that produce red blood cells and help you function. The major proven effect of vitamin deficiency is slowed cognitive functions. It tends to lead to forgetfulness, confusion, and inability to concentrate. Young and old people are the most affected groups. Students suffering from this problem find it impossible to complete all their tasks, which forces them to look for homework help online. Older people begin to struggle with dementia, and unless vitamin deficiency is addressed rapidly, the condition might become irreversible. There are other dangerous effects, too.

 Damage to Cognitive Skills and Ways to Counter It 

The majority of things in our life happen with the help of our brains. We study, work, communicate and achieve our goals due to cognitive abilities, so the better developed they are, the more chances at leading a satisfying life we get. This topic has been studied intensely, and lots of universities implement it in their curriculums. Considering the level of its complexity, students often look for custom essay help agencies that could conduct research for them. This way, more and more studies are generated.   

Micronutrient Information Center has studied the influence of vitamin deficiency on cognitive skills in depth. According to its findings, vitamins supplement the brain in a variety of ways. If there is a lack of them, a person loses control over their motor functions, stumbling or failing to calculate the proximity of different objects. Judgment becomes impaired, and the more severe vitamin deficiency is, the further a person’s condition deteriorates. Memory grows impaired, too. At first, you’ll notice issues with short-term memory, forgetting about appointments, work details, etc. Unless the supply of vitamins is restored, you’ll start struggling with long-term memory, too. It might lead to confusion with identity, making you forget who you are, mixing your dreams, plans, and goals. Alzheimer’s disease along with stroke are some of the possible results of cognitive impairment.

Proper nutrition can increase the activity of your brain and consequently, it’ll improve various processes related to it.  If your organism is unable to synthesize key vitamins in a sufficient quantity, you should start consuming more relevant products or direct supplements. It’s better to consult with a specialist, though, because you need to make sure which vitamins are lacking. For B12, eat dairy or drink juice with B12 supplements. Vitamin A deficiency is rare, but if you suffer from it, greens, eggs, as well as orange or yellow vegetables. Vitamin C is essential, so be sure to eat at least a few pieces of fruits or vegetables daily. For vitamin B, increase the consumption of nuts, legumes, seeds, and eggs.

Watch Your Diet and Enjoy Your Life

Eat products that are rich in vitamins or consult specialists if you’re already suffering from vitamin deficiency. The results will be drastic, letting you see life in a refreshed way. You will remember what feeling well is like, how interesting it can be to work on writing assignment, and how intense your schedule might get without you getting constantly tired.


Sam Miller has a rich experience in research and content creation. He’s been studying the peculiarities of various diets and the influence of vitamin deficiency on people’s brains for years, which makes him an expert whose conclusions are always rooted in credible research. Now, Sam Miller is focused on raising as much awareness toward this topic as possible to ensure that people understand its danger and know how to prevent it.