
The Relationship between Tooth decay and sugary drinks

By Nicolas Rivera

November 07, 2019

You know tooth decay is bad, you’ve probably also heard that sugar is not good for you, it doesn’t just cause tooth decay, it’s a contributing factor to obesity, diabetes, and a host of other age-related diseases.

Of course, you may think that you’re young, you don’t need to worry about this until you’re older. Unfortunately, if you adopt that approach then you’ll end up treating the problem, instead of preventing it from happening.

The Truth About Sugar

Sugar isn’t just in sugary drinks, it’s in everything you eat. But, don’t panic, you don’t need to give up food yet! Sugar is an important nutrition, it is easily turned into glucose and carried around your body. This provides the energy your muscles need to work, that’s why there is so much sugar in energy drinks, they are literally designed to give you a quick burst of energy.

Unfortunately, the taste of sugar is also addictive, that’s the real reason it’s in so many foods, the manufacturer’s want you to want more of the food or drink.

Excess sugar, that’s sugar consumed that you don’t need for energy, gets stored as fat. Over time this can lead to fat build up around your organs and in your arteries, causing an array of health issues.

How This Relates To Teeth & Sugary Drinks

Your teeth are covered in a substance called enamel, it’s one of the toughest substances known to man and the toughest substance in the human body. But, being tough doesn’t make it impervious to other substances. The sugar you eat reacts with the bacteria already present in your mouth. A by-product of this reaction is acid. Unfortunately, this acid attacks the enamel on your teeth.

Over time the enamel will be worn down, exposing the softer dentin underneath. The acid can attack this and move through into the root of your tooth. At this point, you’re going to need a filling. If you leave it untreated you’ll end up with an infection, nerve damage and either tooth loss or root canal treatment.

Of course, you can’t stop eating sugar, it’s an important part of your diet. But, consuming sugary drinks and snacks throughout the day encourages the reaction that produces acid to attack your teeth. That’s why people are encouraged to eat three meals a day and avoid snacking between them.

Snacking increases exposure time and the potential damage to your teeth. This issue is made worse by the prevalence of sugary drinks. The sugar in these drinks, combined with chemicals and stabilizers, will stick to your teeth, which causes tooth decay to happen faster.

Dealing With The Issue

It’s not always easy to stop drinking sugary drinks, after all, they are addictive. That means you need to cut down on them slowly and make sure you visit a good holistic dentist Brisbane. They won’t just help you deal with tooth issues, they’ll look at the health of your whole body and treat your oral health in line with what your body needs. It’s the most effective way of reducing your dependence on sugary drinks and saving your teeth from being damaged.