
The Ultimate Guide to Feeling Good

By Nicolas Rivera

January 29, 2020

In this busy world we live in with our hectic lifestyles and heavy workloads, here are some ways to help you feel good again:

Listen to music

Music can be the greatest way to make you feel better, no matter what genre you prefer or where you are.  You may prefer soothing classical to calm you or you may find headbanging to some heavy rock a great way to feel like you again.  Music is great for reminiscing about the “good old days”, reliving a particular memory or finding a new “you”.


Release those endorphins with a workout; whether you prefer running, dancing or a brisk walk in the sunshine, all of these will do you good. Aim to exercise at least three times a week; this could be anything from a spot of gardening to a walk into town to a full-blown cardio workout at the gym.

Back to nature

Spend some time outdoors to reconnect with nature.  Listen to the birds singing, look at the clouds, stare at the stars or hug a tree!  Taking time out to breathe in the fresh air and take notice of the world around you will inevitably make you feel better.

Treat any ailments

If you’re not feeling 100%, think about where you ache and whether there is anything you can do about it.  Go for a massage or use a topical cream on sore muscles, apply essential oils for headaches or go to the doctors if something has been bothering you that you really should get sorted.

Find a hobby

Learning something new can give you a great sense of achievement and make you feel better about yourself.  Why not try learning a language, learning to play an instrument, learning to crochet or going out to sing with like-minded people.  Some of you will enjoy meeting new people and making friends; others will prefer a pastime that can be practised in the comfort of your own home.


Make sure you take some time out of your busy schedule to give yourself some well-deserved “me”-time.  If you don’t look after yourself, who will?  Sit down with a cuppa and watch a television programme or film, have a relaxing bath, read a good book with a glass of wine or simply play a board game or card game with friends or family.  Why not get creative?  Try colouring, writing poetry, knitting or craft activities to help you relax and refocus.  You could even learn a new skill, whether it be painting, pottery or embroidery.  You may find something you enjoy that helps you relax and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Write down ideas

Write a list of things that make you feel good and then aim to do at least one a day.  Another great idea is to write down a positive statement before you go to bed saying something good about yourself, something you have achieved on this day or a compliment someone has given you.  You might decide to write them and keep them in a jar to look at another time when you might not be feeling so good about yourself.  You might even ask other people to tell you one thing they like about you (social media is a great way to do this without feeling overly narcissistic!) that you can write in a book and read back to yourself whenever you are not feeling good enough.


Similarly, quotations are a great way to feel good about yourself.  You can buy so many different sayings on wooden plaques or bracelets telling you, “You are enough” or “Dreams do come true”, which you can place around the house.  If you can’t find one that fits for you, make up your own or look for one on the Internet that you can display in a frame to remind yourself of positive mantras that help give you more get up and go.

Goal setting

Set yourself some SMART goals to keep you on track; that is, goals which are Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based.  You can set goals for work, home life and social life.  If you stick to these goals in all areas of your life, you will soon feel good about yourself!

Treat Yourself

We always expect from others to treat us well with surprises & gifts but you should learn to appreciate yourself by giving small surprises such as a good dine out, buying some clothes for yourself, gifting a watch or any other treat which is lighter on your pocket but gives u immense happiness.