
Things To Check Before Hiring A Personal Trainer

By Nicolas Rivera

August 09, 2019

It is likely that most of the time you will want to workout alone, however sometimes there are benefits to be gained from training with others.

This is especially true when you first decide to start lifting, which is why it is often a good idea to look at hiring a personal trainer.

A personal trainer will be able to give you the advice and motivation you need to start, while also keeping you accountable for your actions.

So, what questions do you need to ask before hiring a personal trainer? Read on to find out.

#1: What Are Your Goals?

What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to lose weight, or gain muscle? Are you just trying to become fitter? This is something you must know before you start.

Without knowing your goal how can someone help you achieve it?

#2: What’s Your Budget?

These days money is a lot tighter than it once was, so before you go opening your wallet and paying for a personal trainer you should ask if you can afford one.

It is likely that a more popular trainer will be more expensive, but this isn’t always the case.

I would recommend shopping around for the best price, and to always ask if there is a discount available before you sign up.

#3: Is Popularity Important?

Personal trainers who have worked with celebrities in the past, or who have a large social media following may not necessarily be the best option for you.

Just because someone looks fit and healthy does not necessarily mean they know what they are talking about.

You should always ask what credentials they have, leading us onto the next point.

#4: What Are Their Credentials?

You don’t have to pass a course to advertise yourself as a personal trainer, which may sound crazy, but is true.

A personal trainer should be able to teach you the correct way of performing the exercises given, and should be able to talk about nutrition in detail.

If they do not have the correct credentials then can you really believe what they are telling you?

#5: What Are They Experts At?

This may come as a surprise but not all personal trainers are the same.

Some will be experts at certain fields, so it is no good hiring a personal trainers who is an expert in yoga if you are looking to build muscle.

#6: What Is Their Personality?

Just like you are unique, so are personal trainers, each with their own personalities and way of working.

Some may be softly spoken, while others may resort to shouting to motivate you.

You will have to think about what approach would work best for you. If you are a laid back person then someone shouting at you may not work.

Also, if you choose a trainer that you get on too well with they may not push you as hard you they should.

#7: Do They Listen To You?

Before starting a new program you should always be asked a few questions by the personal trainer.

For example, what your current lifestyle looks like, your diet and exercise regime, and whether you have any injuries or are taking any medication.

The trainer will need this information so that they can design your program. If they do not ask any questions, or if you choose not to disclose important information then you are running the risk of injury.

#8: Are You Making Progress?

After you have chosen a personal trainer it is important that you keep track of your progress.

If you are not moving any closer to your goal after a few months then you need to ask yourself why? Is it that you are not following the program provided? Or is the information provided not suitable for your needs?

You should be honest with yourself. If you are not giving 100% then perhaps you should. However, if you are giving your all and not seeing results perhaps it is time to look for a different trainer.

In Conclusion

If you choose the correct one then a personal trainer can certainly help you achieve your goals.

Following the above tips will help you choose the best one, but use your gut feelings, and if something is off about them walk away.

Choosing the wrong one may derail your efforts entirely. Good luck with your search.

For more muscle building tips check out the Skinny2Fit website