
Tips for Having Whiter Teeth

By Cheif Editor

August 24, 2020

Consumers perceive those with white, beautiful teeth as being smarter and more successful, so on some level, a healthy smile really is the key to a more successful life. Not everyone is born with perfect genetics, though, and nobody keeps his or her smile pearly white without some extra effort. Read on to find some tips for keeping that smile looking healthy, white, and beautiful.

Schedule Professional Dental Whitening

Over-the-counter products just don’t work as well as professional teeth whitening procedures. Cosmetic dentists can use high-strength whitening gels to remove serious stains and can even apply veneers to address problems that can’t be fixed with whitening alone. Schedule a consultation with Charlotte Center for Cosmetic Dentistry to discuss available options.

Avoid Stain-Causing Foods and Beverages

Some foods and drinks can cause tooth staining. Those who want to keep their smiles looking white and beautiful well after they’ve left the dentist’s office should avoid substances like red wine, coffee, tea, dark berries, and dark chocolate. They should also avoid excessively acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes, which can destroy tooth enamel and expose the yellow-colored dentin below it, leading to further discoloration.

Eat a Healthy Diet

While some foods leave consumers more prone to tooth discoloration, others can help them maintain white, beautiful teeth naturally. Crunchy vegetables and fruits like carrots, celery, and apples can all help to remove stains and dairy products can strengthen tooth enamel. Eating a healthy diet will help to ensure that consumers get all the vitamins and minerals they need to maintain strong, white teeth.

Quit Smoking

Tobacco stains can be incredibly difficult to remove. They can leave teeth looking yellow, or even brown, and tend to get stuck in the grooves of tooth enamel so that even the best dental hygienist can’t remove them. Quitting smoking is one of the best things consumers can do for their health, so use having a whiter smile as an incentive to make this positive lifestyle change.

Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Just going to the dentist for regular cleanings and professional teeth whitening isn’t enough to keep a smile looking its best. Excellent home dental care is just as important. All consumers should brush twice a day, floss once a day, and use a dentist-approved mouthwash. Those who haven’t switched to electric toothbrushes yet should consider doing so, as they’re more effective at removing stains.

Use Baking Soda

Believe it or not, this common household product can work wonders when used in conjunction with whitening kinds of toothpaste. Try brushing with baking soda once a week, using it just like normal toothpaste, to cut back on stains between dental cleanings and encourage healthier-looking, whiter teeth the natural way.

The Bottom Line

Keeping those pearly whites looking their best requires some extra work, but it’s worth the payoff. Consumers should start with a clean slate by scheduling a professional tooth whitening appointment, then make appropriate lifestyle changes to help keep their teeth white for as long as possible. Just following the simple tips above is enough to keep most people’s teeth looking beautiful for life.