
Treating Alcohol Addiction – Tips for a Home Alcohol Detox

By Nicolas Rivera

September 26, 2019

One of the most popular methods used for treating alcohol addiction is by following an alcohol home detox. The detox cleanses the body so that you do not suffer from the after-effects of quitting alcohol. This will help you reduce the amount of alcohol that you take in a day and at the end of it, be able to quit it altogether.  In this article, we will look at what alcohol detox is and how it is carried out. In addition, we are going to look at the tips that you should follow when doing a home alcohol detox. It is, however, important to acknowledge that home alcohol detox is a very painful process given that the addict will have to stop taking alcohol. Unfortunately, this leads to the development of withdrawal symptoms which brings a lot of discomfort in the body. 

Proper home alcohol detox is done through the use of medications such as benzodiazepines and anticonvulsants. These medications are going to stabilize your body so that you do not suffer from withdrawal symptoms. On the other hand, there are some medications that are given to help the addict get rid of psychological symptoms.  

Home alcohol detox may include monitoring of vital signs, doctor consultations as well as the use of prescribed medication in order to relieve the effects of withdrawal symptoms. The type of medication prescribed is dependent on the frequency of drinking as well as the state of health of the addict. Those who have taken alcohol for a long time will have higher levels of dependency which will require a longer time to heal. Withdrawal symptoms result from actual dependence and the fact that you have stopped taking alcohol. 

Although you want to take a home alcohol detox, you may still need professional supervision as the process is very dangerous. In addition to the dangers of taking unsupervised alcohol detox, the process can also result in serious complications that include: high blood pressure, seizure, nausea, and hallucinations. The time taken to complete any home detox is dependent on the method, level of addiction as well as the type of drug used. It is also important to note that the detoxification process takes 5 to 7 days to complete in a hospital environment.  

Tips for a home detox

When doing a home alcohol detox, it is advisable to follow the points below so that you can raise your chances of success. If you follow the tips well, you will not only be safe during the process but also have a better shot at success.