
Understanding Sculpsure Treatment

By Nicolas Rivera

November 21, 2019

What is Sculpsure?

Nowadays, non-surgical, non-invasive treatments for fat reduction are becoming increasingly popular. These non-invasive procedures require little to no anesthesia or body incisions, which means there’s minimal pain and discomfort, as well as quick session time, and little to no recovery time. Sculpsure is a non-invasive, laser-based procedure that uses laser beams to target stubborn fat and reduce or eliminate it. The technique works on a variety of body types as well as both men and women. With one procedure, you can target multiple areas at the same time. A Hamilton Sculpsure treatment involves a hands-free heat laser that uses measured and specific wavelengths to heat and eliminate fat in the cells. The procedure was cleared by the FDA in 2015 for use in the upper and lower abdominal area, and flanks. Sculpsure treatment is suitable for people with a body mass index of less than 30. It is intended for the removal of stubborn fat, not as a treatment option for obesity and being overweight.

Preparing for Sculpsure

When preparing for the procedure, you’ll need to consider the costs and methods of payment. Sculpsure is a cosmetic procedure and is therefore not covered by insurance. Some offices may offer great payment plans as well as incentives, but this will depend on the costs. Costs vary based on the number of applicators you need for your treatment. You may need between one to four applicators per procedure depending on the targeted area.

When communicating with the practitioner, mention which areas of the body you need to be treated, and the practitioner will inform you how many sessions will be required to achieve the desired results. The practitioner could be a licensed nurse, aesthetician, doctor, physician’s assistant, and nurse practitioner. You may have to schedule a separate appointment to make the consultations. Be prepared to talk about your medical history as well as what types of medications you’re currently on. You may be requested to stay off painkillers and blood thinners such as ibuprofen and aspirin before starting the treatment.

The Procedure

During the treatment process, the doctor will mark the areas on the body that need treatment. The Sculpsure device will then be wrapped around you like a belt and the applicator will deliver a laser beam, at a temperature of between 107 and 117 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is ideal for melting out the fat cells without harming any other part of the body. The treatment takes about twenty-five minutes to complete, and during this time, the doctor will be alternating between delivering the heat laser and a cooling substance. You’ll be able to read, relax or even nap during the procedure.

Through the lymphatic system, the body will gradually flush out the eliminated fat cells over a period of twelve weeks. Any additional treatments can be done two to three months after the first treatment.

Risks and Side Effects

During treatment, the patient may feel some minor pinching or tingling sensation, but no anesthesia or numbing agent will be necessary. Because Sculpsure is a relatively new procedure, few serious side effects have been reported, and research is still ongoing. You may experience some stiffness, redness or soreness in the treated area, as well as some bruising. If it becomes stiff, the doctor may suggest going in for a massage during the weeks following the procedure.