
Vaccines for Travelers: Here’s What You Need to Know

By Nicolas Rivera

March 20, 2020

The recent pandemic has put health sharply into focus. There is no room for complacency despite huge advances in medical research. Those who wish to travel to exotic places in the World or those where medical facilities and treatment is not up to the standard experienced at home should look at the medical advice on their intended destination. On occasions, medical precautions against specific diseases are advisory while on others they are mandatory. There is no excuse for ignoring advisory precautions; the ease with which vaccines can be booked and administered means that there are minimal excuses for not getting in touch. Complacency and idleness should not sit well in the mind of any traveler keen to see the World or scheduled for a business meeting in a faraway country.

It Couldn’t Be Easier

Clients new and old can make an appointment online which will be confirmed via an email. Even if your need is urgent, you need have no worries because in almost all cases, a same-day appointment will be available. A doctor will be there to discuss with you what is needed, and advise where additional vaccines may be a good idea. The location close to Grand Central Station is easy to access with the competitive pricing an additional benefit.

Diseases Needing Vaccines

Many diseases that have been eradicated in the Developed World are still a problem elsewhere.

Popular Destinations Requiring Your Attention

The regions of primary concern are some parts of Central and South America, Africa as a whole, Asia, especially South East Asia and the Western Pacific. It is often in the rural areas where travelers are most at risk.

Personalized Service and More

When you visit a travel clinic, the doctor will discuss your travel plans and the implications of the areas you are visiting. Where a vaccine is just advisory, you will not be persuaded to have a vaccine if you prefer not to be vaccinated. You should note that it will be a fully qualified doctor you will talk to, not an assistant or nurse. It means that if there are any reasons such as age, gender or existing medical reasons why you cannot have a vaccine, you will be told.


Preparing for foreign travel is important and that certainly applies to vaccines for remote or underdeveloped countries. You can expect a first class service and best attention at all times. Anything that is practical and advisable is available in the heart of Manhattan.