
What Can I Do to Keep My Immune System Strong During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

By Cheif Editor

August 17, 2020

After months of enduring a worldwide pandemic, health care and prevention is still at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Protective measures like social distancing, hand washing, and wearing face masks do help prevent and slow the spread of COVID-19. Even with preventative measures, it’s still important to be as healthy as you can be. The more you can do strengthen your immune system, the better your body’s defenses will be against disease and sickness.

Practice Protective Measures

The best way to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 or spreading the virus to other people is to practice protective measures. Stay at home and isolate yourself from others when you are sick, and avoid contact with others who are sick. Always cover your cough or sneeze and avoid touching any area on your face. Disinfect surfaces and frequently used objects every day to keep them clean from germs. This means counters, tables, door handles, bathrooms, and electronic devices.

You need to effectively wash your hands often. Anytime you use the bathroom, go outside, touch anything from outside of your home, before you eat, and after coughing or sneezing it’s important to wash your hands. Lather up with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. In a bind, a 60% or higher alcohol-based hand sanitizer will suffice.

Social Distancing and Face Masks Matter

The novel Coronavirus is primarily spread when one person breathes the droplets that occur when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It’s also possible to spread the virus on surfaces. When an infected person touches something and someone else handles it and then touches their mouth, nose, or eyes, they can get sick. Avoid touching public surfaces whenever possible, and if necessary, wear protective gloves.

Social distancing measures are an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Limiting your exposure to other people and public spaces lower your risk of coming into contact with someone who is infected. There are asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 who are infected with the virus but show no signs or symptoms. They may appear healthy, but they can easily infect other people without realizing it.

Wearing a surgical mask when out in public is a smart way to protect yourself. Sometimes maintaining a six-foot distance isn’t possible when in a public place. A mask can help prevent aerosols from infected people coming into contact with your respiratory system. An effective mask is tight-fitting and covers your entire nose and mouth when worn while practicing social distancing.

How can you keep your immune system strong?

Think of preventative measures as an extra line of defense for your immune system. You still have to take steps to build your immune function so that your body can fight off sickness.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet like the Mediterranean diet or a plant-based diet supports gut health and good bacteria. Most of your immune system is found in the lining of your intestine. Whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, and healthy fats provide your body natural probiotics that are essential to good gut bacteria.

Take Immunity Boosting Supplements

Dr. Danielle Saunders, the owner of the company Doctor Danielle LLC, offers a line of physician-quality supplements formulated to help boost your immune function. As a licensed general practitioner and biochemist, Dr. Danielle personally guarantees the quality of her products. Each supplement product features multi-star reviews and positive reviews by satisfied customers. Get health tips and medical advice with Danielle’s Health Tips and find healthy recipes on Doctor Danielle that incorporate ingredients essential to improving your health.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is not a healthy lifestyle habit for many reasons. Respiratory complications, heart disease, high blood pressure, and lung disease are all known consequences of smoking cigarettes. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that can damage the lining of your lungs, affect breathing, and cause you to rely on ventilator support. Smoking does nothing to improve the health and function of your lungs. The sooner you stop smoking, the sooner your lungs can start to recover.

Always talk to your health care provider to discuss the best ways to strengthen and improve your immune system.