
What Does Milk Do For You?

By Cheif Editor

June 19, 2020

There are a ton of different health reasons why you should include milk and dairy products in your daily diet. Dairy contains nutrients that should be consumed every day, and here is why.

Good For Your Teeth, Muscles, and Bones

As mentioned above, milk and dairy products contain important nutrients that strengthen and maintains our teeth, bones, and muscles. Especially calcium, protein, phosphorus and iodine contribute to this and by eating three different types of dairy products a day, you get more than enough of these nutrients.

With three servings of milk and dairy products a day, you can ensure that you get the recommended intake of calcium and iodine. You also get good quality proteins, vitamin B and other nutrients.

Helps to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Milk and yogurt . Like our saliva, it can protect our teeth from cavities by neutralizing the acidic environment that can occur in our mouths when we eat or drink something sweet and sour. This is because the pH levels in milk are almost neutral.

Yogurt and milk also contain phosphate and calcium, which helps the enamel to rebuild after an acid attack. Calcium binds to the fluorine around our teeth, strengthening and repairing the tooth enamel.

High on Protein

The protein you get from milk is of good quality because they contain essential amino acids. As long as you include good protein sources such as meat, , eggs, milk, and dairy products, you’ll probably have a high enough intake of proteins to keep your muscles happy and healthy.

Strengthen Your Bones

When it comes to the condition of your bones, it’s important to start maintenance early. In the growth stage around puberty, it’s important both drink milk and be active. This way you can lay the groundwork for avoiding and getting osteoporotic fractures as you get older.

Dairy Diet Advice

Choose dairy products which are low on fat, salt and has little added sugar. Limit the use of dairy products with high levels of saturated fat, such as whole milk, cream, butter and cheeses which are high on fat.

The daily intake of lean dairy products should be around three servings, with at least two of them being milk, sour milk, or yogurt, to cover the recommended iodine intake.