
What Supplements Should You Take On A Keto Diet

By Cheif Editor

August 05, 2020

Thanks to celebrity and fashion magazines that we all want to maintain specific body shape and weight. It is a healthy habit to keep your body mass index in the normal range than to go overweight. With extra weight comes so many health issues which we will not prefer to entertain. To keep our body shape and influence on the desired level, we opt for many ways that include changes in our diet, going to the gym, or taking long walks. There are many fat loss diet programs one can easily find over the internet.

You might have heard many names of such diet plans; out of those, the Keto diet is trending. We make changes in our diet to boost our metabolism and initiate a fat loss in our body. The keto diet is high fat and low carbohydrate diet plan that reduces carbohydrate intake gradually and replaces it with fat intake. The carbohydrate reduction puts our body to break down fat, which is also known as ketosis. Ketosis breaks down fat and converts some of it into ketone in the liver that provides energy to the brain.

What should we eat?

When we talk about replacing carbohydrates with fats, we have to be specific in choosing what we eat. You will have to resist eating sugar, grains, pasta, rice, and root vegetables such as potatoes, even beans or legumes. If you think you can consume alcohol or sugar-free foods, well sorry to burst your bubble, you cannot have that either.

Say goodbye to your favorite fruit basket except for a small number of berries. Befriend avocado, which is a natural fat-rich fruit. One might think that if we have to avoid all such foods, then how to fill the deficiency of all those nutrients. To cover the deficient nutrients, you can take Keto supplements while following the Keto diet.

Here are a few suggestions about what supplement you should take.

  1. Magnesium

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that boosts energy, aids in regulating blood sugar levels, and supports immunity. Many beans and fruits that are rich in magnesium are also high in carbohydrates. That means we cannot consume them to fulfill the magnesium deficiency. If the lack exceeds to severe limits, it may because muscle cramps, insomnia, and irritability.

Being on a Keto diet, you can choose foods that can provide enough magnesium to your body. There are pumpkin seeds, avocado, spinach, and swiss chad. These foods will keep your carb intake low and fulfill your magnesium requirement.

  1. Calcium

Calcium is one of the most necessary minerals for our bodies. It not only regulates our bone health, but it also helps our muscles and nervous system. Keto diet does not include milk due to its carb content, which also cuts down the calcium source. You can adjust your calcium needs with Keto flavored yogurts that fall under you allowed carbohydrate limits. By reducing the intake of milk, you also limit the consumption of calcium that can lead to severe bone problems if you do not take some other supplements to cover the lack.

  1. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil

MCTs are popular supplements among people who are on keto diets. Our food usually has long-chain triglycerides, which take quite a long time to break down. MCTs undergo quick metabolism and get converted into ready sources of energy for the brain and body.

MCTs help in weight loss and increases the feeling of fullness to consume less food and calories. Coconut oil provides the best source of MCTs, or you can also use MCT oils in shakes or smoothies.

  1. Digestive Enzymes

Since we cannot have fiber-rich veggies and beans during the Keto diet, we lack fibers. Fibers are a great support in our food digestion. The digestive system relies on grains to break down complex nutrients. Ketogenic diets are more about consuming fats that are already known hard to digest or takes time to understand. At the beginning of the Keto diet, people face digestive side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. These digestive enzymes are the best supplements to aid the digestion of fats and preventing digestive disorders.

  1. Green supplements

Vegetables are a rich source of various minerals, fibers, vitamins, and antioxidants. Following a ketogenic diet makes it difficult to consume enough plants due to carbohydrates. Every person shall have enough amount of vegetables and fruits on their plate. The contents of nutrients present in vegetables help prevent inflammation, reduce disease risks, improve gut motility, and enhance body functions. One of the quick fixes to boost your diet’s vegetable effect is to consume greens powder supplements. This supplement contains a powdered form of veggies like spinach, kale, broccoli, and others.


While following a particular diet, let us not forget that we still need a balanced diet to fulfill our body requirements. Some minerals and vitamins are essential for our health. Suppose we have a restriction on the number of carbohydrates that also eliminates the intake of other necessary nutrients. We can always find an alternative. Avoiding these alternatives may lead to severe deficiency, and instead of getting our desired weight on the weighing scale, we might end up in a hospital. Supplements help us to cope up with the deficient nutrient and prevent the body from collapsing.